We are sorry for the delay in response.
>>I want to know if it’s possible to change the elements that appear in the product table? Some like quantity or subtotal are not necessary for us.
Currently, it is not possible in our plugin to change the element of the product cart table in the reminder email notification.
But I would like to let you know that we do allow this feature in our PRO version. We are providing a default product table in the email template and shortcodes of the products information ( like product image, name, quantity, price ) which you can modify.
Here is the screenshot for your reference: https://prntscr.com/mjkhel
>>Also, is there an easy way to test the emails faster? Waiting 1hr is a lot when debugging (I know I can send a test, but it’s not with real products and it doesn’t cover all cases, like discounts).
It is not possible to send the email template time from our plugin before 1 hour. But for the testing purpose, you can make the changes in our one of the plugin’s file.
You can add below code on line number 73 of “wcal_send_email.php” file. The file will be present at “/cron” folder of our plugin. So, emails can be sent after 5 minutes.
The code is:
$time_to_send_template_after = 5 * 60;
This the screenshot for your convenience: https://prntscr.com/mjknk9
This is for the testing purpose. So, please note that all the activated email templates will be sent after 5 minutes at once.
Please let me know if you have any question with this.
Chetna Bhutka