• Hi, i’m trying to change the caption title from the sidebar. I did what bdbrown suggested in an older thread. Didi this modification to my Style.css on a child theme

    .s1 .sidebar-top p {
    display: none;

    .s1 .sidebar-top p:first-child,
    .s2 .sidebar-top p:first-child {
    display: none;
    .s1 .sidebar-top:after {
    content: “Siga-nos”;
    .s2 .sidebar-top:after {
    content: “Siga-nos”;
    .s1 .sidebar-top:after,
    .s2 .sidebar-top:after {
    padding: 5px 0;
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: 600;

    Also i’m trying to change from icons to text on the AlxTabs widgets. Did also a modification to my style.css that bdbrown suggested.

    .s1 .alx-tabs-nav .fa.fa-star:before {
    content: “Popular”;

    .s1 .alx-tabs-nav .fa.fa-clock-o:before {
    content: “Recente”;

    However, none of this is making any difference to my website (www.ligadosnerds.com)
    Am I doing something wrong?


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  • Thread Starter lucascunha


    Well, like I said, i did exactly this and nothing changed.

    It seems to be working for me. This is what I see when I visit your site: https://imgur.com/hbFYPb9

    Except for “Siga-nos” being a bit oddly placed (which could be fixed with some more CSS), it looks okay to me.

    Are you using a caching plugin or is your host caching your site? You may need to temporarily disable any caching plugin and force-refresh your browser. See your browser’s documentation for more information.

    Thread Starter lucascunha


    Hmm, I wonder if my browser is accessing cached stylesheets.
    Thanks for the heads up stephen.

    Any ideia on how to align those correctly? From your screenshots it also looks that the font-style and font-size are not the same as the original “Follow”.

    “Recente” and “Popular” also looks the is text-align: right. But it’s actually centered.


    @lucascunha – if you’re ok with editing the php files, the info @razirazo provided in the other post is probably easier. Do it that way, take out the custom css, and the alignment and font styles are handled by the theme. And, same thing goes for the sidebar tabs. You can change the sidebar tab icons and text by editing function _create_tabs in /functions/widgets/alx-tabs.php (in your child theme). If you have any questions about that, let me know.

    Thread Starter lucascunha


    @bdbrown, any suggestions for aligning those elements with css? center align for “Recente and Popular” and “Siga-nos” being on the same line as the icons. I like your ideia of changing that using css. Php is not as maintainable as CSS for those small changes.

    Not sure why that’s not working. Let me take a look at it and see if I can figure out why.

    @lucascunha – Just checked your site. Looks like you got them lined up (?). Didn’t see the css you mentioned above, and the tabs are now icons. Did you decide to edit the php files?

    Thread Starter lucascunha


    Yeah, I edited the php files (not my favorite option). I still want to change Alxtabs fron icons to text though, looking to the best option of doing this.

    Did some additional testing and think this css might work for the tabs:

    /* Format tab titles */
    .alx-tab .fa {
      width: 50%;
      margin: 0 auto;
      font-size: 16px;
      font-weight: 600;
      font-family: sans-serif;
    /* Recent */
    .alx-tab .fa-clock-o:before {
      content: "Recente";
    /* Popular */
    .alx-tab .fa-star:before {
      content: "Popular";

    OMG… Isn’t easier to change sidebar.php and sidebar-2.php ?! O_o
    bdbrown, the way you recommend isn’t seem to be same – the color and the size of the font should be changed…

    The css above works on @lucascunha’s site. You can adjust the font size and color to your own liking.

    Sure it will work, but it’s easier without “any adjusting” to replace just two words… ??

    His original request was for a css solution so that’s what I provided.

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