• Not knowing that this was coming…

    Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation.

    …last Friday, I threw in the towel on Movable Type and during the evening news I migrated 4 of my blogs from a single MT installation to 4 separate WP blogs, all located in subdomains on my server.

    Does the above new feature mean I can merge the 4 back into a single installation, much like I had on MT? If so, where do I find info on doing this?

    I’m happy to RTFM, if I know where to find the FM.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Does the above new feature mean I can merge the 4 back into a single installation, much like I had on MT?

    Yes ??

    If so, where do I find info on doing this?

    Tentative (bare bones) directions are here: Create a Network.

    I would upgrade your MAIN blog to 3.0, make it the main site, turn on multisite, and then export/import your other blogs.

    The bare bones is ok, but I hope someone does a more complete step-by-step. A LOT of us are wanting to do this.

    When you say upgrade your MAIN blog, what if they’re all top-level blogs? I have three equally important blogs with separate databases and domains, but all on the same server in different folders.

    I’d love to know how to merge the three of them together, bringing in all my posts, customizations, etc.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    When I say main blog, I mean that there’s usually a front-facing blog, the one that runs at https://yourdomain.com, which will be the ‘main’ blog.

    Then your other two that are at sub1.yourdomain.com and sub2.yourdomain.com would be the ‘sub’ blogs.

    If you want to have posts from all three show up on yourdomain.com, there are plugins that can do that ??

    Thread Starter adnohr


    In my case, I have nothing in my ‘www’, all are subdomains and should stay that way. All are using the same database with different table prefixes (blog_, lala_, photo_, food_, etc.) Will this be a problem? It’s not clear in the bare bones documentation.

    I supposed I can just create a few more ‘dev’ subdomains, install in one of them and see if I can get it working before I mess with my live blogs.

    Will I be able to share anything across blogs? For example, can photos uploaded to the photo blog be added to posts on the lala blog using the WP interface(obviously I can do it manually, but I’d rather not once it’s stored)? Can plugins installed once be used anywhere?

    Hmm…maybe I’m thinking of this incorrectly then. I don’t want to have a “main blog” and “sub blogs” from that.

    I have three main blogs now, each a different focus, different audience. They’ll never be connected. They’ll always have unique urls and audiences. But I would like to connect them via the backend so I can work on all three without logging into three sites and without having three separate databases. I figured this would do that for me. Make sense?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    adnohr – Easiest way is to make a fake front blog and just use a static front page for whatever you have in www. (You have to have SOMTHING after all.)

    Will I be able to share anything across blogs? For example, can photos uploaded to the photo blog be added to posts on the lala blog using the WP interface(obviously I can do it manually, but I’d rather not once it’s stored)?

    Photos no.

    Can plugins installed once be used anywhere?



    They’ll always have unique urls and audiences.

    Ahah! You may want this: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/ ??

    Ahah! You may want this: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/ ??

    Thanks for that. I’ll have some work cut out for me if I want to go that route. Hmmm…I may do it though as it would be pretty cool.

    But clearly I wasn’t thinking of using this the way it’s created to be. I appreciate your quick help, Ipstenu.

    I have the same question and one slightly different one: so if I have three separate blogs, one on the main domain and two others on sub-domains, I can integrate the backed on all of them using the “network” feature, correct?

    If I do that and go through the process, nothing’s gonna happen to my content is it?

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