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  • Saaaweeet. I edited my functions.php to:

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 1038, 576, true );

    and used the regenerate plugin

    and I now have featured images that are 1038. Thanks @renegade05.

    Zulfikar, your Fourteen Extended is a great plugin. Keep us posted




    are there plans to add this as a feature to “Fourteen Extended”? I actually don’t want to change any theme code and I have the same issue.

    Kind regards!

    Plugin Author Brian Harris


    @smoovn – Please do not post the same query in multiple threads!

    Option to set featured images to 100% was added back in version 1.2.1 with adjustments made in version 1.2.2.

    The set_post_thumbnail_size( 1038, 576, true ); set up is theme specific and it is best handled via a child theme or a site specific functionality plugin – if you’d like to know how to get a site specific functionality plugin going let me know and I’ll point you in the right direction.

    For child themes please refer to: – Never edit the original theme directly!




    Hi Zulfikar Nore,

    sorry for the doubble post! I had a lot of tab’s open regarding this issue to find a solution and didn’t realize that I’ve posted twice. ??

    Also I didn’t get that the “set featured images to 100%” should be the workaround for this problem. Because in my theme this feature seems zu strech the 672×372 thumbnail to the 1038×576 size. I would like to have a thumbnail in the size 1038×576.

    Now you tell me to create a site specific plugin. All I have to do is to create plugin with the code:

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 1038, 576, true );

    Right? (

    This sounds like a good solution. After that I have to recreate the Thumbnail, right?

    Kind regards!

    Plugin Author Brian Harris


    No problem at all – just trying to limit confusion for others who maybe search for similar solutions.

    Now you tell me to create a site specific plugin. All I have to do is to create plugin with the code:

    That is correct – either a site specific plugin or a child theme to hold your edits.

    After that I have to recreate the Thumbnail, right?

    That would be correct again – every time you change a theme or image specific values it is always a good idea to regenerate the thumbnails. The recommended plugin to use for that is the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin by Viper007Bond.

    Hope that helps.




    OK, unfortunalty this doesn’t fix the problem. The thumbnails are recreated but the site still uses the 672×372 ones.

    Different as above I just used:

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 1038, 576, true );

    Can some explain to me how WordPress decides which thumbnail to use. This would be very useful for me.

    Thanks a lot!



    Hi, so now I know how WordPress should decide wich thumb to use, but actually it doesn’t.

    I have set the set_post_thumbnail_size to 1038x376 and used the plugin Regenerate Thumbnails, but no thumbs in this size were created.

    So I think the reason why this dose not work is because my site specific plugin is broken? Maybe you have any further ideas??


    Plugin Author Brian Harris


    You’d probably want to run your after_setup_theme action at a higher priority so it runs after the theme’s action has run thus overriding it?

    Assuming you are calling the set_post_thumbnail_size from within a function callback, you could do something like
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'yourfunctions_setup', 11 );
    to see if that helps.




    OK perfekt this works for me!

    I have created a plugin with the following content:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'thumbnail_size_tweak' );
    function thumbnail_size_tweak() {
        set_post_thumbnail_size( 1038, 576, true );

    Thanks for your help. Maybe this tweak can also be added to the extended Plugin?




    I got another solution, at widgets (if you got JetPack) you select hide your side bar on your posts, and Voilà, you get your pretty nice big image !
    i think you can use too in case you want to show some side bar on your pages.

    Thanks for the help guys.

    My problem is that the featured image is being cropped to a certain aspect ratio. I want the image to fill the window width-wise but I want the height to be the natural height relative to 100% width. If that makes sense.

    I want my images to scale to full width but not distort or crop, just scale width.

    I mean I wouldn’t mind having a MAX height cutoff, but I don’t want a minimum. How can I solve this issue?

    Thread Starter Derek Punaro


    I did all the above steps as well and got it to work, but only on a new post. I couldn’t make my original post change size (even though the regenerated correct media file sizes were in the directory). Oh well, not a big deal. As long as it works going forward! Thanks!

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