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  • post url so we can see what you have

    Are you using custom menu feature if so it can be changed from there.

    Thread Starter Jolene72


    thank you! this is my url:

    Thread Starter Jolene72


    …also the main index php code says:

    * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
    * called loop-index.php and that will be used instead.

    Thread Starter Jolene72


    Thank you kindly govpatel! I still have a question. Where do I insert or replace this php code? Is it in the editor template section and which template? Then, how do i activate it?

    which php code are you taking about as we need to know what you want to do to guide you accordingly.

    I would like to change the home tab to say ‘press’ or ‘blog’ in the twenty ten template.

    as for original question the way I have is create a home page where I have visitors come read about your website

    create a blank blog page just header with Blog in headlines and publish


    go to settings reading select static pages and in
    front page select Home
    post page select Blog or what ever you name you gave that blank page.

    Let me know if this works for you

    Will start a topic for this, but I’ll probably get an answer quicker here.

    New to WP, and using Twenty-Ten. I need to set “Front Page Displays” to one of my Categories instead of to “recent posts” or one of my Pages. And then I’d like it to show the actual images and video player just like the “recent posts” setting does, rather than just showing post titles like happens when you actually clicking on a Category title.

    I mean REALLY now, didn’t the WordPress people think that somebody might want to do something so obvious? Sheesh.

    If need be I’ll edit the .php files or change to a different theme, but right now I’m not sure even where to start.

    Thanks for whatever you can tell me.

    Please stick your own topic and don’t highjack another poster’s thread.

    Sorry. I did start my own topic, and since this thread was already about changing the behavior of the Home tab, I thought I was fairly relevant.

    Thread Starter Jolene72


    this is how i removed the home tab (finally):

    1. Created Tab Names New Pages under Pages Menu
    (Pages –> Add New)
    2. Then went to Appearance –> Menu. Here I did the following:
    A. On righthand side of page ‘Create Custom Menu’
    B. Check Box ‘Automatically Add New Top Level Pages’
    C. Go to Left Side of page ‘Create Custom Menu’
    D. Primary Navigation Drop Down Menu Choose your custom menu name.
    E. Stay on left side of page. Go to: Pages and check all pages that you want to appear in your custom menu and press ‘add to menu.
    F. Hit Save on Top Right of Page.

    *Tip: After you’ve done step E you can create parent pages with submenus by dragging the submenu to the right about 1/4 inch to the right below the parent or main tab.

    I guess I can hit resolved now.
    Thank you for getting my wheels turning!!!




    Hello govpatel,

    thanks for posting this step by step instruction.

    there were a few errors in it…
    step A also requires you to type something in, i’m guessing it’s the desired tab name

    step C doesn’t make any sense, there’s nothing on left side called “create custom menu

    same with step D

    also, the original “home” Page is still there!! not going away !!!



    Hello govpatel,

    thanks for posting this step by step instruction.

    there were a few errors in it…
    step A also requires you to type something in, i’m guessing it’s the desired tab name

    step C doesn’t make any sense, there’s nothing on left side called “create custom menu

    same with step D

    also, the original “home” Page is still there!! not going away !!!

    I did not post above that its is @jolene72

    If your theme supports custom menu only then you will be able create custom menu and change tab label

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