• Resolved Patrick Leijser


    Hi there,

    At this time it is possible to create your own template because you used a action/filter hook. This template is only the base template and not the result list.

    So it isn’t possible for me to change the HTML order/tags that fits within the design, because you create the HTML via JavaScript. And since I don’t want to change the plugin files.

    Is it possible in the future to change the HTML structure of the result list? Also the InfoWindows HTML is created within the JavaScript file.

    `html = “<li data-store-id='” + id + “‘><div><p>” + storeImg + “” + store + “<span class=’wpsl-street’>” + address + “</span>” + address2 + city + ” ” + state + ” ” + zip + “<span class=’wpsl-country’>” + country + “</span></p>” + moreInfo + “</div>” + distance + “” + wpslLabels.directions + ““;


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  • Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    The 2.0 update will use the template function from underscore to create the store list and info window content. Every template has a filter on it that allows you to modify it before underscore renders it with the correct store data, so you can do whatever you want. It also uses custom post types, so you can also add custom fields.

    If you want to try to 2.0 beta just send me an email at info at tijmensmit.com. The only reason I haven’t released it yet is because I still need to finish the website.

    Thread Starter Patrick Leijser


    Sweet! When do you think 2.0 will be released?

    I’ll send a mail ??

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