Hello I tried your solution, I did not know about the login url or understand it until now
my code is below, i placed the file in my themes as you suggested and it did not work, then i also replaced the one in the plugin folder but still takes you to main wordpress login –
* Block: RSVP
* Messages Must Login
* Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at:
* [your-theme]/tribe/tickets/v2/rsvp/messages/must-login.php
* See more documentation about our Blocks Editor templating system.
* @link https://evnt.is/1amp Help article for RSVP & Ticket template files.
* @var bool $must_login Whether the user has to login to RSVP or not.
* @var string $login_url The login URL.
* @var Tribe__Tickets__Ticket_Object $rsvp The rsvp ticket object.
* @since 4.12.3
* @version 4.12.3
if ( ! $must_login ) {
<div class="tribe-tickets__rsvp-message tribe-tickets__rsvp-message--must-login tribe-common-b3">
<?php $this->template( 'v2/components/icons/error', [ 'classes' => [ 'tribe-tickets__rsvp-message--must-login-icon' ] ] ); ?>
<span class="tribe-tickets__rsvp-message-text">
echo esc_html(
/* Translators: 1: RSVP label. */
_x( 'You must be logged in to %1$s.', 'rsvp must login', 'event-tickets' ),
tribe_get_rsvp_label_singular( 'rsvp_must_login' )
$login_url = "https://beta.chromlack.eu/my-account";
href="<?php echo esc_url( $login_url . '?tribe-tickets__rsvp-' . $rsvp->ID ); ?>"
<?php esc_html_e( 'Log in here', 'event-tickets' ); ?>