• Can we change the min_qty_text for individual products? The default “Quantity of product %products% can not be less than %value%” does not sound very good.

    I know we can edit the message for global quantity on the text page in settings but is there a way to edit the message that is displayed with individual products without editing the plugin directly.

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  • Plugin Author RazyRx



    If you mean limitation that you can set on product edit page, then you can change this text with help of any translation plugin like Loco Translate https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/loco-translate/


    Thread Starter adam198


    I mean this code here

    $product_text_errors = array(
    ‘product’ => array(
    ‘min_qty_text’ => __(‘Quantity of product %products% can not be less than %value%‘, ‘minmax-quantity-for-woocommerce’),
    ‘max_qty_text’ => __(‘Quantity of product %products% can not be more than %value%‘, ‘minmax-quantity-for-woocommerce’),
    ‘min_price_text’ => ”,
    ‘max_price_text’ => ”,
    ‘variation’ => array(
    ‘min_qty_text’ => __(‘Quantity of one variation of a %products% product can not be less than %value%‘, ‘minmax-quantity-for-woocommerce’),
    ‘max_qty_text’ => __(‘Quantity of one variation of a %products% product can not be more than %value%‘, ‘minmax-quantity-for-woocommerce’),
    ‘min_price_text’ => ”,
    ‘max_price_text’ => ”,

    If I want to change the text for min_qty_text or max_qty_text can this not be done without another plugin?

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