• Resolved braehler


    Hey tehre,
    for some reason we are facing a strange behaviour. When on admin area in the backend and you change the category of a listing from category A to category B everything works. But when you keep both categories and set category B to primary, it does not switch to category B as primary event though its says it does.
    Has anyone any ideas on that?

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  • Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault



    I don’t fully understand what you mean by “But when you keep both categories and set category B to primary, it does not switch to category B as primary event though its says it does.” Can you provide more details? How can I reproduce this?

    Thread Starter braehler


    Hey @richardmtl

    in the backend, you change the primary category from A to B. In the backend you see that now category B is primary. But on the frontend it still shows category A instead of B

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    I still don’t understand what you mean by “primary category”, though. How do Ii set a category as being the “primary” category of a listing? What am I missing here? ??

    @richardmtl – when you edit a job listing from the back-end, if you have job categories enabled and more than one job category selected, a drop-down menu will appear, letting you “Select the primary job category” — I’ve never noticed this having any effect, but it must make a difference on braehler’s site.

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hmm, I’m actually not seeing that dropdown anywhere on my test site, and when I search for “primary” in our code-base, I don’t finds anything related to categories:


    So I don’t think this is in our plugin?

    Thread Starter braehler



    yes its your plugin, you can create categories. And you have the option to have only one categorie or multiselect.
    You have to change them via the backend. It should be on the right side of your screen, just below the “publish” button box. Actualy this is no droodpwn like @hastibe mentioned, it′s a check box thing

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault



    I asked one of my colleagues for help; it turns out that for some reason, I am unable to get that dropdown to show, but it does for him. However, he also said that he doesn’t see anywhere that we indicate the primary category, except in that meta box, which does seem to work as expected for him. Could you take a screenshot of what you see, and upload it somewhere (your media library, or a service like imgur), and share the link here?

    Thread Starter braehler


    Hey @richardmtl

    I don′t know what happend, but for some reason when I tried this on my own system, and not the one which my boss is using, I?m not able to reproduce this. So I think its an issue with his system. and or Cookie session in the browser.
    I′m going to mark this as solved

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