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  • Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Hi Jonibean,

    Thanks for your post. That is probably possible with some customization, but that’s not something we can assist with here. As outlined in our forum guidelines, we aren’t able to help with these kinds of customizations. But we do have some handy resources that might be helpful for you:

    ? Themer’s Guide – provides an overview of how to customize the plugin’s frontend appearance.
    ? Tutorials – useful tips and tricks for changing how the plugin looks and behaves.
    ? Technical Docs – provides an overview of the classes and functions in each plugin

    Good luck, and thanks for using The Events Calendar!


    I agree with Jonibean. Reverse order display should be a calendar settings option, not a hack. If you think about it, it’s not logical to have past events go all the way back to 1969 and then have to page through to what just happened most recently, right?

    As for getting a customization, what file would that be to change the database sort order call from ASC to DESC?


    I might also add that when you click the previous event link on a page, it goes to the event that just passed, as expected. Why then should it jump to all the past events in chronological order when you go to the Previous Events list page? That’s inconsistent logic and poor usability design.



    Howdy guys. So the list view that you are talking about is laid out chronologically. Think of it as a giant timeline stretching from your first event to the most distant one in the future. The default page is everything that is happening from today forward, which is generally somewhere in the middle of the timeline chronologically. Paging back to view a previous set of events that occurred before today, that page is sorted just the same as all of the other pages in the timeline, with the first chronological event on that page at the top. In fairness, there is a very distinct logic and order to it and it is maintained throughout the calendar.

    I totally understand that you would be keen to swap this about. But, it simple changing the SQL query sort order is not going to work and will have wide reaching impacts on the calendar, basically breaking it. If you would like a setting for this, please suggest it on our User Voice page. As it stands, the change is probably too involved for anyone to do on their own. So suggesting it as a feature/option is a good alternate.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    – Brook



    Thanks for the reply Brook. Unfortunately, I still respectfully disagree to the sort order logic for the past events list page you provide. Once again, as you click on the previous event link you go back to the previous event, right? This is how it should be and that pattern is logical. This is the pattern we’re after maintaining when you go to the past events page.

    By jumping to the past events in chronological order, the pattern of newest to oldest is broken. Since it’s a MySQL database sort order call, this really should not be a big deal from a programming point of view.

    For example, I’ve been using a similar reverse chronological sort order for nearly 15 years on a classified ads site I run. Most recent dates are first going back in time to the oldest. With nearly 12,000 records and spanning 1,000+ pages, the idea of having the oldest date first would be unworkable. In short, a chronological sort order would mean forcing a user to tab through to page 1,000 to see the latest ads. This would be upside down and a big waste of time. People want to see the most recent events on top, not the oldest.

    Thanks again.



    p.s. Brook – You can easily test this yourself. Simply make a hundred pages of past events and let me know which scenario you prefer tabbing through to find the most recent.

    1. Oldest -> Newest
    2. Newest -> Oldest



    Howdy again ba,

    Since you asked me for my personal preference… it depends. On a site with a lot of events and something like 1-20 events per page, I think the current system makes the most sense. It is a very natural paradigm that users round the web are accustomed to, myself included. If we set the Date in the Tribe bar to be equal to the first event then we would have a list of pages events in chronological order, just like a blog post archive and such. Our Date input is basically just a shortcut for finding which page number you need to find the events for that date. So enter a date and it will take you somewhere else. It doesn’t reorder the list or anything confusing, just brings you to the proper page. I like that.

    On the other hand, if you have a ton of events on a page, or they are very far apart, it starts making less sense. If you page back into the past and the top event is from 2012, then you have to scroll past 100 events to start finding events from 2014, I agree it can be a bit off. Thus why I think it makes a great feature suggestion. If you do recommend it you should post it here so toher people can find. When we can find out if others agree with us that at times a different ordering makes sense!


    – Brook



    Hi Brook,
    Thanks for the reply. On a site with just a few past events, for example 20, seeing them all on one page and scrolling to the bottom I suppose is not too much of an inconvenience, though seeing the oldest event always on top is not going to be welcome news after just a few visits.

    With that, I give you the onion: You peel an onion from the outside in, a layer at a time. Each layer corresponds to time, the most recent layer on top (newest -> oldest). You don’t peel an onion from the inside out (oldest -> newest). That’s akin to what is going on here.

    Given how easy it is in MySQL to sort records by Date, I don’t think this should be a big deal for Tribe to at least offer the option. Especially since it would only affect the Past Events list page.

    Thanks again!



    Thanks Tribe for the great plugin. I am also looking for a solution to this bug.

    Acknowledged as a bug in these support threads, but now a “customization?”

    Here is a logical test. Take the old fashioned calendar off the wall. As of today you’re looking at November. Start thumbing through past events. Human nature is to look at the immediate past month, NOT flip back to the beginning of time.



    Thanks for the links John. It’s odd that we even have to argue this with Tribe as any blogger using WordPress (or any other platform – Facebook for that matter) knows that new posts go on top, not at the end. Crazy.



    Yay so glad i found this, i have been trying to find a solution to switch the order to descending as right now i feel it is effecting the flow of things on my site, it would be great if we could get a solution to this please



    > it would be great if we could get a solution to this please

    Unfortunately, I wouldn’t get too hopeful about this happening anytime soon. Tribe apparently doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with the sort order as it is.

    Rob La Gatta


    Hey folks! Thanks for the feedback offered up in this thread – we always appreciate hearing from the community about their experiences with the plugin, and as this is clearly a pain point for you guys, I wanted to chime in and offer up some thoughts on our reasoning here (as well as ideas on where to go next).

    To avoid confusion of having the same discussion in multiple places, though, I replied in the separate-but-equally-relevant thread just now. Check it out:

    Ultimately, the TLDR is: this isn’t a bug but rather the intended behavior based on a change that was made in the 3.8 release. Since it’s clear some users want to deviate from that – we want to do right by you guys, and are going to put together a snippet that can get you where you need to be.

    Thanks for all the feedback so far! While it’s a shame to see the perception in here that this is something you need to “argue” with us over, I’m hoping the explanation here and our subsequent actions will show everyone who feels strongly about this that we want to serve them as best we can. To that end, if we could continue discussion in the aforementioned thread, so it was all tracked in one place – we’d appreciate it, and would help us get you what you need in as timely a fashion as possible.

    Rob La Gatta


    Hey folks! For those who might not have seen it, Brook posted the snippet he wrote up to address this over in what I’d consider the “primary” thread of this exchange. Check it out:

    Looks like it’s done the trick for a couple of users so far…we’d love to hear whether this gets you guys where you want to be! Thanks again for your feedback so far on the issue.

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