It is very nice to hear that Easy Photo Album is the easiest photo album plugin you’ve found. ??
Changing the overlay color is possible, but I don’t recommend it, because it makes the contrast very low. As I said: it is possible, but it is not easy. I don’t know if you feel yourself comfortable enough with editing code, but you have to choose for yourself. (A little warning: When you make a mistake in your code (delete a character too much or too less, for example), your site will break.
How to change the overlay color
Open the file style.css
, located in wp-content/themes/<yourthemename>/
Add somewhere below in the file the following code:
.lightboxOverlay {
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
.lb-data {
color: #666666 !important;
.lb-data .lb-number {
color: #888888;
is the background color (in this case clear white).
You may want to change the image caption text color (#666666
) or the “Image 3 of 6” text color (#888888
Those changes will be lost when you update your theme.