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  • Have tried searching for plugin in plugin directory that would do this task?

    Thread Starter puregin


    as i’ve written above, i’m looking for a non-plugin solution.

    Seems like could a plugin conflict issue, Try disabling your plugins one by one and see if that resolves. You can also switch to default WordPress theme like – Tweentyfifteen and then revert back to your theme.

    Thread Starter puregin


    thanks for your thoughts.

    i’ve already peformed the standard procedure with disabling all plugins and using the standard template, without success.

    i’ve also double checked the functionality with a friend who has a similar installation and it’s working on his server.

    if i have the option on the permalink settings page set on “Post name”…
    …the permalink button on the attachment page is not showing up at all…
    … and on the edit page site the button next to the permalink reads “edit”…
    … and by klicking on it, a text input field appears and one can change the permalink manually:

    if i change the permalink settings from “Post name” to “plain”…
    …the permalink button on the attachment page appears (but “change permalink” not “edit”…
    … and a click then on the “change permalink” button…
    ..leads to the permalink settings page…

    also on the page edit site, the button next to the permalikn reads now as well “change permalink”…
    … and leads as well to the permalink settings page:…

    summed up this means, that having the permalink settings on “plain”:
    – the permalink of a page can not manually be changed (“change permalink” button appears next to page permalink which leads to the permalink settings page)
    – the permalink of an attachment can not manually be changed (“change permalink” button appears next to attachment permalink which leads to the permalink settings page)

    and having the permalink settings on “post name”:
    – the permalink of a page can manually be changed (“edit” button appears next to page permalink)
    – the permalink of an attachment can not manually be changed (no button appears next to the permalink of an attachment)

    i am quite confused and don’t really understand why it’s behaving this way…

    If it appears changing theme then it’s theme specific issue. You need to contact theme author

    Thread Starter puregin


    did you even read what i wrote?

    sorry, but that’s now the second time you’re referring to a standard solution (find a plugin, change theme) which i’ve previously mentioned that i don’t want (use a plugin) or already did (change themes).

    I did, Try to open(If you can) your JavaScript console on your browser. Press clt+shf+I and then click on the console tab. And see if there’s any error showing

    Thread Starter puregin


    there’s no jscript error displayed, i guess it’s something with the wp installation… i’ll completely re-install the wp now…

    Thread Starter puregin


    after some intensive testing i’m now convinced, that there is no such permalink “edit” button (for media attachments) contained in the actual standard wp installation package (4.5.3) but included in one of the seo/jetpack or similar “enhancment” pluginpacks which were running on one of my colleague’s server.

    Ah, there’s actually a constantly hidden option in the “screen options” dropdown at the top for the “slug”. If you check it on, you can edit it in a separate meta-box –- usually placed at the bottom of the page.

    Also, I really would like the edit permalink button from pages on media pages. I came here looking for the exact same answer before I remembered the slug option.

    @m8hue thanks for this. I had completely forgotten about the slug option in screen options too.


    @m8hue Thanks for the suggestion about making the slug option visible — that was exactly what I was looking for.

    Thanks @m8hue thanks for this.. Saved a lot of time deleting from the database..

    Hello, I am no WrodPress expert but I have found the best way to edit the Permalink on a media file is to upload it directly into the page you want it to be added to. Instead of uploading it to the Media Library.

    This will ensure it’s no longer a “parent” and it will come up with the “edit” button when you open it in the media library.

    You won’t be able to edit the entire permalink but it will give it a link hierarchy that is the same as the page you uploaded it to.

    Uploaded to media library:

    Uploaded to page I wanted to post it on:

    This ensures it’s not using any of my websites link equity or “juice”.

    @m8hue – Also what I was looking for! Thank you!

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