• Hello, my site is set to display latest posts on the homepage. For the theme I am using, it is referring to this section on the homepage as “Recent Posts”. How can I override that name with a different title? Ex: What’s Happening, etc.

    The inspect code shows:
    <div class=”site-column-wrapper site-column-content-wrapper”> <p class=”widget-title”>Recent Posts</p> <ul class=”site-archive-posts”>

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • It looks like it’s a widget, but if you didn’t put the widget somewhere, the theme did.
    If you placed the widget, you can just change the widget title. Otherwise, you need to ask at the theme’s support forum for help with changing it or creating a child theme to do it differently.

    Depending on what theme you’re using this may need to be done in a child theme. You can learn more about child themes here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/

    Some themes save the section titles such as the one you are referring to in a page builder or in their settings panel.

    Your best bet will be to contact your theme developers support team. If you nees help figuring out how to do that we’d be happy to help but would need a link to your site in order to do so.

    Hope this helps get you headed in the correct direction. Please tag the thread as resolved when you find a solution.

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