mizmamamhaze: It sounds like YOU are talking about a template file called sidebar.php
. This discussion is about changing the wording in the Administration Panels not on the site itself. Just for clarity.
If you are talking about the sidebar, see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Customizing_Your_Sidebar
If you are talking about changing the Administration Panels, follow the instructions listed above but know this:
1) You are messing with the core programming files of WordPress. Slip of the finger and they are toast and we will see you back here needing more help to get your Admin running again.
2) The next time you upgrade WordPress, all changes will be replaced and you will have to go back in and make these changes again.
3) It is SERIOUSLY recommended/advised/wished that people do not change the core programming files in WordPress. There are plugins and Admin Themes which can do the job for you without changing the core programming files, though in this case, there might not be a specific plugin that would help, but you can learn about plugins and write one that will make the change.
The terms “meta” and “login” are found in your sidebar, so that’s my assumption.