The membership approved messaging is going to be the easier of the two in the current state, if you know how to handle some WordPress filters and whatnot. Below is a snippet from the codebase that sends out the “Approved/Denied” messaging
* Filters the email arguments before mailing.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param array $emailme Array of email arguments for wp_mail.
* @param object $user User object for user being moderated.
$mailme_filtered = apply_filters( 'bpro_hook_before_email', $mailme, $user );
wp_mail( $mailme_filtered['user_email'], $mailme_filtered['user_subject'], $mailme_filtered['user_message'] );
You could use the `bpro_hook_before_email filter to change the subject.
function support_change_subject( $mail_parts, $user ) {
$mail_parts['user_subject'] = 'WELCOME TO THE PARTAY!!!';
return $mail_parts;
add_filter( 'bpro_hook_before_email', 'support_change_subject', 10, 2 );
Same filter is also useful if you somehow have need to change the destination email and the message itself, but no one has ever had need for that thus far that I’ve seen.
The Pending Membership subject is the difficult one because I don’t have any filters handily in place, so you could probably get to it deep within the wp_mail function, or via a gettext filter. I can type an example of at least the gettext version pretty quick if it’s of interest to you that much.