I believe I have figured out how to add the email link to the “other info” section rather than in the social links.
I wanted to add the email as a text link below the phone number rather than having the email show up as a link from that envalope image that is the default.
Edit this php file “public/class-wp-team-manager-public.php”
Scroll down to about line 262. I copied this email code from the social links section:
if (!empty($emailid)) {
$sociallinks .= '<li><a class="emailid-'.$social_size.'" href="mailto:' . $emailid. '" title="Email">Email</a></li>';
Then, I pasted it down a bit lower in the other info code section below the code for telephone around line 272. I changed $sociallinks to $otherinfo like this:
if (!empty($emailid)) {
$otherinfo .= '<li><a class="emailid-'.$social_size.'" href="mailto:' . $emailid. '" title="Email">Email</a></li>';
Also, I changed the text link to “Click Here to Email” like this:
if (!empty($emailid)) {
$otherinfo .= '<li><a class="emailid-'.$social_size.'" href="mailto:' . $emailid. '" title="Email">Click Here to Email</a></li>';
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.