• Ovidiu


    how can one change it so that when viewing posts the middle sidebar disappears so that my inages fit in?

    if viewing posts with images the images is overlayed by the middle sidebar…

    in any other case the middle sidebar should stay, its just fine.

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  • Without seeing your theme, difficult to answer.
    A guess would be you are using Internet Explorer and you need to resize the images to fit.

    Thread Starter Ovidiu


    sorry, I was trying not to post my url, just for getting incoming links; ??

    here it is: https://pacura.ru/wordpress/

    give it a try: click on pictures and then on the only post containing a picture.then click on the picture.

    you will see that the picture is “overlayed” by the middle sidebar. If I would resize the image just a little bit and get rid of the middle sidebar when displaying posts with images the image could be seen, entirely.



    https://www.pacura.ru/wordpress/album/default/CIMG1594.JPG does not show any such overlay error. The image properly forces the middle sidebar to the right.


    Aside, the latter yields the header error “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web20/web/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/photopress/pp_album.php:5) in /var/www/web20/web/wordpress/wp-content/themes/semiologic-3-col/install.php on line 10”.

    Denis de Bernardy


    overlay issue is due to large images.

    headers already sent issue is likely due to extra spaces (trim your file).

    Thread Starter Ovidiu


    what was meant was that the “middle sidebar” is over the image…

    I meant to have that middle sidebar (the one containing the shoutbox) diappear when an image is loded or generally when a post is displayed (fully)

    the headers won’t disappear, and both files meantioned in the error message do not have any extra spaces inside…

    I tried calling both files involved in the problem like: https://pacura.ru/wordpress//wp-content/themes/semiologic-3-col/install.php – here I get semiologic plugin not found !?

    calling the other file gives an error as well… but I think that other file can’t be called on its own like this.

    Denis de Bernardy


    the headers already sent issue likely comes from extra spaces in the other file that gets mentionned.

    you can remove the middle sidebar by creating a specific template for your gallery.



    But your main full-sized image at https://www.pacura.ru/wordpress/album/default/CIMG1594.JPG page (it’s actually a page, for those who haven’t clicked on it, not just a .jpg image file) which is the “fully” post does hide the middle sidebar (the one containing the shoutbox).

    Denis de Bernardy


    note: you can also comment out the line that includes the install.php file in the theme’s header.php file.



    How does install.php relate, if so, to this issue?

    Denis de Bernardy


    the install.php is just there to catch the odd user who does not activate the CMS plugin. once it is active, you can ignore, or drop the call entirely.

    It’s due to disappear in the next version, too, since WP now features a function.php file for this purpose.



    To jump into the discussion here. I’m using the 3-col template but would like to have the 3 cols only on the frontpage or at least it should disappear when on permalinks.

    Is there an easy way to achieve that?



    Denis de Bernardy



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