• I just purchased this plugin, but I can’t get the archive page button text to change from ‘Read More’ to anything else.

    I have updated it in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Crowdfunding -> General -> Default Button Label on Archive Pages. I have also tried changing it on individual crowdfunding products, too, but neither setting seems to have any effect.

    Also, I have enabled the option to, ‘Add Product Info to Archives Pages‘ and the information appears normally when viewing a WooCommerce category. However, only the progress bar shows when calling a product archive view with a WooCommerce shortcode like this:

    [product_category category="projects" columns="4" per_page="4" orderby="title" order="asc"]

    For reference see section titled, ‘Outreach Projects’ here:


    and the category page is here:


    Any help appreciated.


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  • Thread Starter contendia


    I have managed to track down the problem with the button text not working. I noticed the problem only happened on projects with open pricing enabled. So, I poked around through this file:


    … and noticed a typo in the word ‘crowdfunding’ on the function at line 46 as follows:

    function is_open_price_product( $_product ) {
    		$is_crowdfudning            = ( 'yes' === get_post_meta( $_product->id, '_' . 'alg_crowdfunding_enabled', true ) ) ? true : false;
    		$is_crowdfudning_open_price = ( 'yes' === get_post_meta( $_product->id, '_' . 'alg_crowdfunding_product_open_price_enabled', true ) ) ? true : false;
    		return ( $is_crowdfudning && $is_crowdfudning_open_price );

    Changed $is_crowdfudning to $is_crowdfunding, and the custom button text now gets applied correctly.

    Still working on getting the projects to show correctly when called with a WooCommerce shortcode, but no progress on that yet.

    Thread Starter contendia


    Never mind. I spoke too soon. There is a typo in the word ‘crowdfunding’, but it does not appear to be affecting the button text. Turns out there is a function on line 84 that specifically overrides the button text if the project is set to open pricing. Not sure the reasoning behind it. Could be because open pricing items cannot be added directly to the cart from an archive/category page. However, all of our crowdfunding projects are open pricing, so the add to cart from archive pages feature for crowdfunding projects is not important for us. So, I modified the function accordingly to allow the button text to change.

    function add_to_cart_text( $text, $_product ) {
    		return $text;
    		// return ( $this->is_open_price_product( $_product ) ) ? __( 'Read more', 'woocommerce' ) : $text;

    Also, I finally gave up getting WooCommerce shortcodes to print crowdfunding products correctly in an archive view. I just hard coded them into the page where I needed them, instead.

    Would still appreciate a followup on that.

    Thank you for posting this explanation of the shortcode issue and the workaround.

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