• I would like to change the name of the page named “Home” to “Blog”. Is that possible? If it is, how is it done?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • If you still wish to keep the home logo, and use the page, but simply rename it from “Home” to “Blog”, you can try opening header.php and find both instances of this:

    <?php _e('Home','mystique'); ?>

    and change only the word “Home” to the word “Blog”.

    …and only the exact instances I pointed out. One on line 64 and one on line 66.

    I can not say if there will be any negative effects of doing it this way. Only that it should change the word “Home” to “Blog” in the page navigation bar.

    this theme use gnutext localization,it can be done also with .po files.

    medborgarjourna just choose solution ??

    If you choose the manual edit method, do it in header.php.

    Thread Starter medborgarjourna


    First of all I must say that I really appreciate that you take the time to help me. With my computer skills I know i won’t ever be able to repay you but I would if I could;-)

    I’ve opened header.php and single.php in the directory “wp-content/themes/mystique/” and there’s nothing there called home or “Testsida” which is a page I created just to have something to look for (It means “Test page” in Swedish”).

    However, if it’s possible to do as ClaytonJames wrote and create a page and asign the blog entrys to it that might do the trick but there’s is one problem. I have no idea how to do it.

    So if you do, well … I’d be happy if you shared that information.

    mystique theme have localization,you can make multilanguage site with this theme,you don’t have to changed hardcoded words in this theme,just edit .po files like you want.

    Thread Starter medborgarjourna


    Here’s what I want.

    Take a look at https://www.medborgarjournalisten.se. As you can see there are three pages on the meny at the top. “Blogg” is the now furthest to the left and I want it to be between “Test 1” and “Test 2” and I want “Test 1” to be the starting page.

    I’ve tried to change the order in which the pages are listed but the problem is I can’t reach the “Blogg” page which I suppose is some sort of default page. I can change the order on all the other pages but that one.

    So, is it possible to do what I’ve written above?

    find something like this in your theme(header.php)

    <div id="navbarleft">
    		<ul id="nav">
    			<li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>"><?php _e("Home", 'studiopress'); ?></a></li>
    			<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=4&sort_column=menu_order'); ?>

    try to call two times wp_list_pages,before and after “Home”,but on the first call exclude all pages except page test1,and on the last call exclude all except test2

    this is from my theme,the theme that I’m working on.Find the similar code in your header.php file

    I have already pointed out precisely in the mystique theme where to find the entries that need to be changed, if that is the course of action desired.

    If you still wish to keep the home logo, and use the page, but simply rename it from “Home” to “Blog”, you can try opening header.php and find both instances of this:

    <?php _e('Home','mystique'); ?>

    and change only the word “Home” to the word “Blog”.

    …and only the exact instances I pointed out. One on line 64 and one on line 66.

    And it is not necessary to exclude a page using wp_list_pages because, as also I already pointed out, the mystique theme has that function built into the themes options pages.


    This may help to shed some light.

    Creating a Static Front Page

    [edit] almost forgot.. page order can be changed by editing the page, and selecting “Order” under “Attributes” on the right side of the page edit dialog area…





    Clayton I think that he want to put test1 page before home page,and than to put test2 page,I’m not sure that that could be done from dashboard,but it can adding some php code lines.

    You’re right. You’re not sure.

    If you are using the Mystique Theme version 1.62 by digitalnature

    Log in to your dashboard. Create 6 new pages. Name them one, two, three, four, five and six. Now go to Appearance, Mystique settings, Navigation, and select “Exclude from Navigation” – “Home”, and save the changes.

    Now edit your pages, setting the page order as follows, and making sure to update the page after each change:

    page one – 0
    page two – 1
    page three – 2
    page four -3
    page five – 4
    page six – 5
    About – 6

    The page order in your nav bar is now one, two, three, four, five, six, and About. “Home” is gone.

    Now go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > and select “front page displays A static page”. Now select from the Front page option: “one”. Now select from the Posts page option: “two”. and save your changes. Now your Home page is a static page named “one”. That page will display every time you visit the site. You can customize it any way you like. Your blog posts will now appear on the page named “two”.

    You can rename, reorder and customize any of the steps I just walked you through to display pages in any order and way that you like, without having to directly edit ANY files.

    It’s a beautiful thing.

    I really did not know this, thanks Clayton :))

    Thread Starter medborgarjourna


    Thanks a lot for the help. I asked a friend of mine who is a computer expert and he did something in the coding. Now it looks as I want it to look.



    I also need to do something like this! My website is https://www.dykulture.com and I’d like to change the word “Home” in the nav bar to “dykulture”.

    I’m using the Arras theme, but can’t find the right bits of code in the header.php file to change.

    I originally wanted to put an image of my logo there instead, but don’t know how to do that. Ideally I’d like to change the name of “home” and change the font to suit my logo.

    Any suggestions? Your help will be sooo appreciated!

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