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  • Baptiste



    Yes, you can modify the text of order statuses in WooCommerce. To do this, you’ll need to add some custom code to your theme’s functions.php file. For best practices, I recommend using a child theme to ensure your changes are preserved after theme updates.

    You can use WooCommerce’s order status hook to modify the text. Here’s an example function to change the text of the ‘Pending payment’ status:

    add_filter( 'wc_order_statuses', 'custom_wc_order_status' );

    function custom_wc_order_status( $order_statuses ) {
    // Change the text of the 'Pending payment' order status
    $order_statuses['wc-pending'] = 'custom text';

    return $order_statuses;

    You can change any of the default WooCommerce order statuses using this method. Here are the default order statuses you can customize:

    • Pending payment?(wc-pending)
    • Processing?(wc-processing)
    • On hold?(wc-on-hold)
    • Completed?(wc-completed)
    • Cancelled?(wc-cancelled)
    • Refunded?(wc-refunded)
    • Failed?(wc-failed)

    Feel free to replace?'custom text'?with any text you prefer for the order status.


    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @kienbien1,

    Is there a way to change the text in order statuses?

    If I understand correctly, you wish to change the order statuses to custom statuses of your own. If so, have you tried @batt740’s suggestion already? (Thanks a lot for that, Baptiste!)

    You can use it in your child theme’s function.php file or through a plugin like Code Snippets. I just tried it and I can confirm it works great!

    Direct link to the image:

    If you need something else, kindly share more details so we can assist you!

    In the meantime, I’m going to mark this as resolved for now. Feel free to start a new thread or reply back if you have any more questions.


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