• Hi,

    I would like to change the sentence in one event view, i use this : {ical_html} ? {gcal_link}
    and in front i see : iCal Envoyer vers Google Calendar.

    I would like to have Envoyer vers Ical Envoyer vers Google calendar.

    I tried to modify the file my-calendar-templates.php line367 to add the same code i found on the line 337 for the google calendar link. But the sentence don’t change in front.

    Do you have a solution to fix my issue?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    If you’re using the template tags in your template, then editing the template PHP file should have changed the front end, unless you’re seeing a cached version. Alternately, you can always construct your own custom text by using the {ical} template tag, which only pulls the URL, so you can construct the text however you want, e.g.:

    <a href='{ical}'>Envoyer vers Ical</a>

    That has the advantage that you aren’t going to lose your changes when you update the plug-in.

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