• Does anybody know how to change which URL your WordPress site is on? I’ve had a look at the settings and it shows up my site URL in the ‘WordPress Address’ and the ‘Site Address’. How could I change this to work on another URL I’ve got?


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  • That’s setting refers to whether your wp installation is the domain root, or a subdirectory.

    WordPress Address (URL)

    but if you want it to use your domain without the subdirectory folder name:

    Site Address (URL)

    Thread Starter pete9071


    So if I wanted to change the website to a different URL, could I just change these two, then change the URL destination of the website name I want to my WordPress folder? Or would that not work?


    let’s say the domain is “mydomain.com” and the subdirectory is a folder called “my wordpress”

    You can let the url show the subdirectory, like this:

    https://www.mydomain.com/my wordpress

    In which case, the feilds would be identical:

    WordPress Address (URL)
    https://www.mydomain.com/my wordpress

    Site Address (URL)
    https://www.mydomain.com/my wordpress

    But, if you wanted to hide the name of the subdirectory, and just show your domain name in the url:

    WordPress Address (URL)
    https://www.mydomain.com/my wordpress

    Site Address (URL)

    I don’t think you can change the name of your wp installation folder.

    There are important steps to follow when changing this setting.

    Thread Starter pete9071


    Oh right okay, so there’s absolutely no way of just switching URL without creating a brand new WordPress folder and everything else. Just out of interest, do you know what you need in order to set up another separate WordPress website? Do you need to create a new FTP, MySQL ect?


    I just use simple scripts and install another. It creates a new data base unless I specify otherwise.

    Thread Starter pete9071


    So far I’ve downloaded the wordpress file, unzipped it, created a new MySQL, changed the config-sample to config.php and added all my details in, then I try to connect via Filezilla FTP by creating a new site, then putting in my 1and1 FTP account details. After all that, it doesn’t seem to be connecting? Do you use the same site for the wordpress sites? Or do you do what I’ve done and created a new site for each one have them both pointing at the same FTP account? I can’t see what I’ve done wrong here.


    I have many wordpress sites as subdirectories on a few accounts.

    I can use the site url settings and the .htaccess file in the root to let any one use the domain name. Or, I can access all of them as subdirectories of the domain.

    I have a domain called foursticks.net. A wp install in a folder called foursticks is using that domain name, and the url looks like this:


    because I have:

    WordPress Address (URL)
    Site Address (URL)

    I also have a wp site called OldSchooKenpoKarate on the same account.
    with a url that looks like this:


    I could do the same with it, but it’s just a demo site so I wouldn’t want it to use the domain. So it’s settings are:

    WordPress Address (URL)
    Site Address (URL)

    But, they are on the same hosting account, same server and ftp as far as I know. I don’t know as much as I should about my hosting…

    Thread Starter pete9071


    Hi thanks for your help. I’ve just realised that the DNS was pointed to sedo parking, rather than 1and1 webspace, so after changing that it should work. It works for my other domains, which aren’t on sedo parking, so fingers crossed that was the reason.


    Thread Starter pete9071


    Hi thanks for your help. I’ve just realised that the DNS was pointed to sedo parking, rather than 1and1 webspace, so after changing that it should work. It works for my other domains, which aren’t on sedo parking, so fingers crossed that was the reason.


    just refer to this, for further reference.The part about copying the htaccess and wp-config to the root, then logging in and updating permalinks is important,

    Thread Starter pete9071


    Okay thanks. I should hopefully have it covered from now.


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