• Resolved Willem 2


    How can I change the title on the frontend without changing it in the backend. The title that I use now is ‘weblog spiritualiteit – zoeken vinden loslaten’. I want to change it in ‘zoeken vinden loslaten’. I don’t want to disturb the existing seo results.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You’re talking about the name of the website. You can adjust this in the backend under Settings > General. I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t want to do it this way? The backend has nothing to do with SEO, as only the frontend is seen and read by search engines.

    Thread Starter Willem 2


    When I change the title of the website in the customizer, it changes simultaneously in the general settings. This also happens the other way around.

    Every page and every message has its own title and description in Google. This may differ from the text that the visitor sees in the front end of the website.

    I hoped that something similar would be possible for the title that the visitor sees on the front end of my website.

    Today I changed the title in the frontend and adjusted the Google title and description of the home page (welkom). I hope this is the best solution.

    The website title stored in the Customizer and under Settings > General is the name of your website. This is used (if you do not use an SEO plugin for this) as part of the title of each individual page of your website. If you want to give the individual pages individual titles, you must use an SEO plugin. You can find a selection here: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/tags/seo/

    Thread Starter Willem 2


    Thanks for your advice.

    I used a seo plugin to change the Google title and description of the home page.

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