• I’ve been using the Desk Mess Theme for several months. Recently an update was posted and I downloaded it. The only real noticable changes were the “page” title tabs. They are now smaller and do not support more than one or two small words. It’s really not a problem except for my “Privacy Policy” which I had to cut to “Privacy”. Can someone tell me how to change the size of the tab? I’ve left messages for the author with no response.

    Also, I’d like to get rid of the original “searchform” and just use the Google search that I already added. Can you tell me how to do that as well? Again, I’ve attempted contact with the author with no response.

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  • Posting a link to your site will make it easier for people to help. Otherwise, we may have to download the theme and upload it on our own site to see what you are talking about and see how we may help.

    Thread Starter soccio97


    I’m sorry!! I wasn’t thinking. The site is https://www.TellMeAboutThat.com

    It looks like they are using a 99px wide image for the button background. Try this…find the following code in style.css in the theme:

    #menu li {
    background:transparent url(images/menu_button2.png) repeat scroll 0 0;

    Change the width:99px; to width:150px;

    Next, download the image at the following address and use it to replace the image of the same name in your theme’s images directory.


    I haven’t thoroughly tested it since I don’t have that theme installed, but it should work.

    Thread Starter soccio97


    Great! That worked and it looks great. Thank you!!

    Can you help me get rid of the original search bar and just keep the Google Search bar that I added?

    Thanks again.

    If it’s hardcoded in the sidebar — it doesn’t go away when you add widgets — then you will need to open the sidebar.php file in the theme and remove the code.

    Thread Starter soccio97


    Here is the first part of that file. How much do I remove?

    <div id=”sidebar”>
    <div id=”sidebar-top”></div>

    <div id=”sidebar-content”>

    <div id=”subcolumn”>
    <div id=”search”>
    <form id=”searchform” method=”get” action=”<?php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>/”>
    <input type=”text” name=”s” id=”s” value=”” size=”35″ class=”form-input” />
    <input name=”search” type=”submit” value=”Search” class=”search-submit” />

    Try removing this and see what it gets you…make a copy of the file first so you can revert if it messes up something.

    <div id="subcolumn">
    <div id="search">
    <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">
    <input type="text" name="s" id="s" value="" size="35" class="form-input" />
    <input name="search" type="submit" value="Search" class="search-submit" />
    Thread Starter soccio97


    Wow! Thanks, that worked as well.

    I hate to keep bugging you but my footer image is off center. I really didn’t notice it until now. I was checking the image files to see what was what and when I looked at the footer image I went to my home page to see how it fit and I noticed the discrepancy. I guess by now you figured out you are dealing with a rookie.

    The footer code looks like:

    /* == FOOTER == */
    background:url(images/footer2.png) no-repeat;


    #bottom p{

    background: url(images/footer-wp.png) no-repeat;
    #wp-footer a {
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 95px;
    #wp-footer a:hover {
    background: url(images/footer-wp.png) no-repeat 0 -28px;

    Well, the entire site looks messed up now…you may want to put the original sidebar back and see if that fixes it…maybe we removed one to many div’s. If putting the default sidebar back fixes it, then try removing everything except for the first line [<div id=”subcolumn”>] that I previously recommended and see how that works…sometimes you just need to play with these things to get them working ??

    Thread Starter soccio97


    I did what you said and my Sidebar looks much better but it didn’t change the footer.

    I’m really not sure that the footer problem didn’t exist before we stated making the changes.

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