I noticed you specified 4.2.1 as your current WP version.
However I think you should be aware that this is not the latest WP release. The latest WP release is 4.2.2
To answer your question: No, the reported file change is probably nothing to worry about. When you change some iTSec plugin settings on the Settings page and click on the “Save All Changes” button there is a good chance the .htaccess file is changed.
h = b074b7dcb348657e26b4df1667e0d199
This is the hash for a file stored in the database by the File Change Detection feature
So this is used to determin whether the file was changed.
d = 1434984004
This is the date\time of the file in UNIX format.
To get less cryptic and thus more readable log data displayed please select “File Change History” from the dropdown listbox “Select Filter:” and then click on the Details link.
This also has the added benefit of no Details link(s) being displayed when there were no file changes (0,0,0) detected.
If the above info answers your question please mark this topic as ‘resolved’.