The modifications you may be looking for can be done in your child theme:
if you copy of the templates/header.php file into your child theme, you can edit the markup on line 7:
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 kad-topbar-left">
<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 kad-topbar-left">
and then you’d probably want to remove the search bar if you aren’t using it, which is around line 47:
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 kad-topbar-right">
<div id="topbar-search" class="topbar-widget">
<?php if(kadence_display_topbar_widget()) { if(is_active_sidebar('topbarright')) { dynamic_sidebar('topbarright'); }
} else { if(kadence_display_top_search()) {get_search_form();}
} ?>
Also, for the second row, there is a little php looking for which type of layout you selected. If you are going with your current one, then:
<?php if(isset($virtue['logo_layout'])) {
if($virtue['logo_layout'] == 'logocenter') {$logocclass = 'col-md-12'; $menulclass = 'col-md-12';}
else if($virtue['logo_layout'] == 'logohalf') {$logocclass = 'col-md-6'; $menulclass = 'col-md-6';}
else {$logocclass = 'col-md-4'; $menulclass = 'col-md-8';}
} else {$logocclass = 'col-md-4'; $menulclass = 'col-md-8'; }?>
could become:
<?php if(isset($virtue['logo_layout'])) {
if($virtue['logo_layout'] == 'logocenter') {$logocclass = 'col-md-12'; $menulclass = 'col-md-12';}
else if($virtue['logo_layout'] == 'logohalf') {$logocclass = 'col-md-6'; $menulclass = 'col-md-6';}
else {$logocclass = 'col-md-0'; $menulclass = 'col-md-12';}
} else {$logocclass = 'col-md-0'; $menulclass = 'col-md-12'; }?>
but you may have y=to add a col-md-0 to your css:
.col-md-0 {
width: 0;
This isn’t perfect, but it will get you where you want I believe.