OK, so after some research, I think I figured this out. You need to add one line of code to the plugin and a few more to functions.php.
Here’s what I added into functions.php:
function my_tag_text_callback( $count ) {
//This function is used to replace the "topic" with "club" for the tag cloud. When you hover mouse over a tag value, it
//would normally say "1 topic". Now it will say "1 club".
return sprintf( _n('%s Club', '%s Clubs', $count), number_format_i18n( $count ) );
Note: You could of course use “Group” and “Groups” like this:
return sprintf( _n('%s Group', '%s Groups', $count), number_format_i18n( $count ) );
Now, in the bp-group-tags.php file, go to line 260 and change it from this:
'separator' => ' '
to this:
'separator' => ' ',
//add a comma at the end
Then on a new line just below 260 add the following:
'topic_count_text_callback' => 'my_tag_text_callback'
So you end up with lines 260 and 261 looking like this:
'separator' => ' ',
'topic_count_text_callback' => 'my_tag_text_callback'
This change was based on the information found here: