• I have my site currently installed in a subdirectory:


    The WordPress Address is https://williamsiebold.com/blog

    The Site Address is https://williamsiebold.com/blog

    I want to change the URL that visitors use to access the home page from https://williamsiebold.com/blog TO https://williamsiebold.com (ie the Site Address)

    Following the directions found in the codex (Using a pre-existing subdirectory install https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory) I see that I am supposed to move my index.php & .htaccess files to the root directory from the /blog subdirectory. Once done, it directs me to modify the index.php:

    “Edit your root directory’s index.php.
    Open your root directory’s index.php file in a text editor
    Change the line that says:
    to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files:
    Save the file.”

    However I have not found the “require” action in the available index.php files – and I wonder if you have a better way for me to make this change. Seems like it should be easier (?)


    Bill Siebold

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