Hey again chetan.g,
First as you says that “There will be additional filters added in 0.9.4 which will allow for programmatic filtering of the word limit”. please give me the example of code for this.
That code simply does not exist. We haven’t finished this feature yet, and it will probably take us a day or two to complete.
My client want to show different preview text, she placed [contentcards] shortcode in different categories of posts and she wants to display in content cards in column wise that’s why.
There is no and will be no way to modify the preview text itself. The whole point of Content Cards plugin is to take the description from OpenGraph tags. word_limit
option just allows us to set a maximum number of words so that Content Cards are similar in size.
Also tell me How can change “Update Interval” settings to 1 minute value. It’s really necessary.
The minimal setting of Update interval
is 1 hour. Could you please tell me more about your use case? Because in my opinion, there is no case for having OpenGraph data updated more than once an hour. In fact, for most users, updating it once a day is more than enough. OpenGraph data is not supposed to change often.
From your questions I get a feeling that You are either trying to use Content Cards in a very unusual way, or You somehow misunderstand what the plugin does. Could you please tell us more about what you are trying to do? If you do not want to share that publicly, you can reach me via email: ask {at} arunas {dot} co