• Resolved erotelli


    Hi everyone,

    I have changed with code the wp-login.php page to stop brute forces attack from https://www.mysite.it/wp-login.php to https://www.mysite.it/someotherpage.php and it works.

    But some days ago the brute force bots use //wp-login.php instead and they find the way! - - [23/Sep/2023:16:50:04 +0200] "POST //wp-login.php HTTP/2.0" 200 3284 "https://www.mysite.it//wp-login.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36"

    Anyone can help me, please?

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  • It would be interesting to know which code you used to make this change? Because depending on this, we could tell you why access is still possible when 2 “/” are specified in the URL.

    Thread Starter erotelli


    I followed some howto’s easy find:
    downloaded the wp-login.php file
    renamed the wp-login.php to newname.php
    Openup the file and with the find and replace n the Find field, enter wp-login. In the Replace field, entered my new URL path newname
    then uploaded the file.
    update: ad the end of the replacing you MUST cancel the wp-login.php

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by erotelli.
    Thread Starter erotelli


    Resolved: after the replace of the newlogin.php file, by mistake i didn’t cancelled the original wp-login.php file and the bot find the way to bypass the code and the Nginx server directive simply adding a double slash at the url: //wp-login.php
    Sorry for wasting your time

    With this you change the WordPress core. Your customisation will be reset with every WordPress update and support would no longer be possible. I would strongly advise you not to do this.

    Alternatively, I have another suggestion to secure your backend. Do not change the URL but restrict access by a server-side configured access request via HTTP authentication. I think some hosters like Raidboxes already offer this for WordPress installations. You can find a rough guide here: https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/216363187-Password-protecting-your-site-with-an-htaccess-file

    Also have a look at this article regarding further security: https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/hardening-wordpress/

    Thread Starter erotelli


    Thanks for your reply.

    But I will have to see if the file wp-login.php will be added again at every update.

    If is it so, I have to cancel it.

    If not, I don’t have to worry because the new login file has nothing to do with the core files, because the customisation was both in the code and in the filename.

    I was looking for other kind of protection, as you are kindly suggested, but they give us some problem to by implement for our organisation.

    Thanks anyway for your suggestion

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