• Hello,
    I run several wordpress sites and am using the graphene Theme. I recently added custom headers to the sites and Noticed that the theme was still trying to superimpose the Site Title and tagline onto my custom graphics hich made it look like Crap. I removed the site title and tagline from the General setting feild and Now my browsers tags don’t show anything except odd symbols. The websites I am speaking of are the following:

    can anyone please advise as to the best way to restore the site tittle and or tagline to the browser tab without having them appear on my custom header graphics?

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  • Use CSS to position the site title and tagline off the page.

    Thread Starter richartichoker


    I do not have much knowledge of CSS. is there a Tutorial you can point me towards That teaches this sort of thing?

    in the first site, there are already inline styles with ‘display: none’ for the site title and description;

    general for your theme, for instance, in style.css, add text-indent: -9999px; to the style of .header_title and of .header_desc;

    or add visibility: hidden; or display: none;

    that should be enough so you can add the title and tagline back under admin – settings – general

    Thread Starter richartichoker


    Wonderful, Thank you Alchymyth. I will try those suggestions.

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