• I’ve been working with my site and there are some things I would like to change. I’ve checked the forums but nothing quite fit.

    Here is my list. Any help would be great.

    My site is https://www.fluximagery.com and what I’m trying to get close to is https://www.penelopeillustration.com.

    Change the order of the pages on the right.

    The first page a visitor enters, after the intro, to be the work page.

    For the date to be removed from all of the pages.

    For the Home link on the side to read Blog instead.

    To actually have a page name for inspiration, work, thegirl, ex. blog = fluximagery.com/blog.

    To be able to temporarily put a jpeg on the right. I am participating in NaBloPoMo and I’d love a little jpg right there to link back to the site.

    Also, is there a way that someone can look at my file set up? I’m not sure if I am using my directories the way they should be used (blog placement, photos, etc).

    I know this is a lot but I hope all of them have simple answers.

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  • That’s quite a long list. You’d better off asking one single question in a thread and going one step at a time.

    First of all: UPGRADE! You have a vulnerable version.

    That will also help you to assign any Page you want as your entry/home/main page.

    Page order. Read the documentation:
    see the sort_column parameter

    Make a Page template without the date and anything you don’t want. See the Page link above, Templates section.

    Create all those Pages you want.

    Editing your sidebar.php lets you put there whatever you want, including images.

    Not sure what you mean by file set up…

    Thread Starter erika1b


    Ok, I’ll start with the upgrade.

    What I mean is I use Cyberduck and I can see all of my files there. This is what I have.

    blog folder/wordpress files are inside of that, then the folders wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes. Inside of wp-content is where I have my plug-ins, etc. Besides the folders (themes, plugins, uploads) that are already included, I made a new photos folder as well. So that is what I have, now when I upgrade will it change this?

    I know how to export my files so I have a backup, but is that all that I need to do?

    Sorry, I have been using Movabletype forever so I’m used to nitpicking every little string of code. WordPress is great so far.

    *background information* –
    When I originally created my site, I handcoded my pages (contact, about, pricing, etc) and I made a folder for the blog and dumped wordpress in there. I wanted my whole site handcoded and just have wordpress inserted but I finally just gave up and decided to do it all in wordpress. So if I need to change my hierarchy of files/directories and such to make everything easier, let me know.

    Did that make sense? I give you ftp information if I am still unclear.


    The WP files and folders must be OK, otherwise your blog would be dead ??

    Re: upgrade.
    Normally, WP let’s you upload image files from the Write interface and those images (unless you direct it otherwise) are stored inside /wp-content/uploads/ – eventually, in year/month sub-subfolders.

    When you upgrade, all the instructions say always the same: do NOT delete your wp-content folder (that’s where your themes, plugins and uploads are).

    Obviously, you are going to delete your WP files and folders as per the instructions, and nothing else.
    Of course, later (or anytime) you can delete your old html files if you don’t need them anymore… just for clearing up the place.

    One more thing: there is NOTHING in the files – as for backup. All your content (posts, Pages, comments, settings) is stored in the database. So, a database backup is in order before upgrading!!!!!

    You can send your ftp info if you want – use my name at transycan dot net

    Thread Starter erika1b


    Thanks, sent. I’ll work on these things and I’ll definitely be back. ??

    Thread Starter erika1b


    Alright, so I am in the middle of trying to upgrade. When I installed WordPress, I used Fantastico provided by my host, A Small Orange.

    Now I am following the instructions outlined in this thread by Nolageek :

    1. Download backup of database.

    2. Upload unzipped WordPress to /wordpress-new via FTP.

    3. Rename current /wordpress to /wordpress-old.

    4. Copy /wordpress-old/.htaccess to /wordpress-new

    5. Copy /wordpress-old/wp-config.php to /wordpress-new

    6. Copy /wordpress-old/wp-content to /wordpress-new

    7. Rename /wordpress-new to /wordpress

    8. Go to /wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php

    Don’t forget to make sure wp-content and .htaccess are properly chmodded.

    If anything happens you’ve got the database backed up and ALL of your old files on the server. just restore the database and rename /wordpress-old to /wordpress

    I actually have:


    Could also do

    so that you know what the older versions are. I’ve been doing it this way for years.


    So far I have done everything except no. 4 and no. 8. I can not find my .htaccess at all in my old version to copy to my new version.

    Because of that, I haven’t gone on to step no. 8 but I know I don’t understand it.

    Thanks for your help,



    If you didn’t use the “nice” permalinks – there shouldn’t be any .htaccess file.

    Thread Starter erika1b


    Thanks. I think I have it figured out. Just trying to link to my work page from the index instead of the blog.

    Thanks again.

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