After much searching and lots of trial and error (not fatal) and asking in the general wp forums how to make a simple cosmetic to change to some arbitrary wording in the WP core, it was recommended that I install this Say What plugin.
This is an example of trial-and-error coding I put into my theme’s functions.php Alas, while it didn’t throw any errors, it also failed to change the string.
function e2019_change_text4( $change_text4 ) { if ( $change_text4 == 'Your comment is awaiting moderation' ) { $change_text4 = 'All comments are moderated. But as soon as your comment has been approved, it will be displayed universally.'; } return $change_text4; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'e2019_change_text4', 20 );
I must admit that my definition of “easy-to-use” is radically different from the definition of “easy-to-use” here. I have been unable to learn how to locate “text domain” or “text context” for the string “Your comment is awaiting moderation” that is located in wp-includes/comment-template.php.
I have tried entering the text domain listed on my theme’s style sheet (child of twentytwelve); I have tried entering the text domain listed on the twenty twelve style sheet; I have tried entering the text domain “plugin-domain”. None of these work. The sticky post in the support forum was not particularly helpful.
I have no idea at all what to put into the slot for the text context, other than “awaiting-moderation” and variations on the moderation theme.
Please bear in mind that I only know enough about php coding to get myself in trouble. Having things spelled out is welcome. Also welcome is a link to a page that will explain in layman’s terms, how to locate the text domain and text context.
Thank you.
-E Morris, etherwork [dot] net [slash] blog << purposely unlinked in attempt to keep spammers at bay (there’s a really good reason that I have WordFence plugin that helped enormously to rid me of bruteforce attacks….)
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