• I’d like to change the right sidebar title Blogroll to something else on this homepage

    Could anyone explain where I can edit this title?


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  • If you go to blogroll in your dashboard and it the categories (blogroll is the name of a category) You can’t delete the category altogether b/c it is a default – but you can delete the word and leave it blank if you don’t want anything or change it to something that you do want. Hope this helps.

    Let me clarify – go to your admin area, click on blogroll, then categories, then edit in the space next to blogroll. From there you will see edit category where you can change or edit how you like.

    Thread Starter Boz2006


    Jennyb, much appreciated, hadn’t realised that blogroll is the name of a category, which solved everything.

    On this particular Andreas theme the path was Admin / Manage / Link Categories and click on Blogroll to change the name.

    I deleted the blogroll title to leave it blank; now I’d actually like the title back so I can change it to something else. Can I undo what I deleted?

    When I click “edit” my Links (blogroll) I’m told there are no “options” for this widget ??? any ideas on how to get into the widget to change the name and delete all the geeky links that are there now?

    duh… found the “link” link under manage, opened it, deleted all those “unneeded” links and will load it up with what’s needed

    I managed to add the blogroll under the links tab on the left sidebar, but the original one (called blogroll) on the other side is still there. How do I get rid of this?

    It’s now under Manage > Link Categories

    Then under ‘Manage Link Categories’ click Blogroll and change the name.

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