Whenever you open a new thread, please post a link to your site, even if you’ve done so on other threads; then we don’t have to go hunting around for it. I presume this is your site:
It looks like you’ve made your changes directly to the TwentyThirteen style.css file. You should be warned that you shouldn’t be modifying the theme files directly because there’s a good chance that you will lose your changes if/when the theme gets updated because of security patches, feature updates, etc. Instead, you should create a child theme or, if you are just making CSS changes, use a plugin like Custom CSS Manager.
I’ve set all the colours I want but can’t seem to change the brown footer block just above the “powered by word press” footer
How did you try changing it? If you use a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools, you’ll see that the brown area is your secondary widget area, and the background color is set by this CSS rule:
.site-footer .sidebar-container {
background-color: #220e10;
padding: 20px 0;
So to change the background color, you would add a rule to either your child theme’s style.css file or through your plugin’s Custom CSS option that looks like this:
.site-footer .sidebar-container {
background-color: #8A2BE2;
how do I change the title colour on each page I’ve created
Again, if you use a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools, you’ll see that your page titles have a class called entry-title, so to change the color of your page titles, you’d add this to the end of your child theme’s style.css file or in your plugin’s Custom CSS option:
.entry-title {
color: #8A2BE2;
Just above the brown footer on each page is a leave reply section, I would like to remove this! How??
From your admin dashboard, go to Settings > Discussion, uncheck the box labeled Allow people to post comments on new articles so that new pages don’t get commented on. Then you need to disable comments for each page:
- From the admin dashboard, go to Pages > All Pages
- Click the checkbox next to the Title heading so that all of your pages are selected
- From the drop-down box that currently has Bulk Actions selected, pick Edit.
- Click the Apply button.
- A section will open up beneath the heading. For the Comments drop-down, select Do not allow, then click the blue Update button to the right.
Comments will now have been disabled for all of your pages.