• Hey there!

    A bit lost when it comes to this stuff. Is there any way to make the comment link in the main body of the posts appear larger, darker or otherwise more noticeable? I find it’s really light and easy to miss.

    I can make my own image if necessary, would just appreciate some help navigating how to do so. ??

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  • In your theme options you can go to Blog Features -> Custom CSS, JavaScript & RSS -> Custom Styles, then put in:

    .postdata .comments a, .postdata .comments a:visited {

    Replace color with something that you find more suitable. To change the icon there in the same Custom Styles option put in:

    .postdata .comments {
            background-image: url(images/comments.png);

    The URL is relative to the theme installation folder. Word of advice, if you are making your own icon, store it outside the theme folder, otherwise you run the risk of overwriting it upon upgrades.

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