sorry, should have been more specific.
the wp install I inherited is a little funky. it replaces the wp-config.php with a new file.
Specifically, wp-config.php instead of having the normal contents contains this:
/** WordPress's Debianised default master config file
Please do NOT edit and read about how the configuration works in the README.Debian
# (underscores, not dashes)
$debian_server = preg_replace('/:.*/', "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$debian_server = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-]/", "", $debian_server);
$debian_file = '/etc/wordpress/config-'.strtolower($debian_server).'.php';
if (!file_exists($debian_file)) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo "<b>$debian_file</b> could not be found. The file is either not readable by this process or does not exist. <br>
Please check if <b>$debian_file</b> exists and contains the right password/username.";
With the acutaly wp-config code in a file named config-mydomaingoeshere.php
Sadly, copying that file to config-mynewdomaingoeshere.php results in an “Error establishing database connection” message – presumably this is because I need to do search and replace on my db.
Is there just an easy way to have wp respond to both myIP and mynewdomain?
Thanks for all of your help … it can be a bit challenging to understand which bits of the documentation apply to what situations.