Changing files directory outside the WP installation
I kindly ask for your help.
Here is my skeleton:!(%27fancy5~fullPath!false~trailingSlash5~rootDot5)~6(%276%27root0tmp071Cwp0wwwCdomainsC*123.com4A4*B4**wp-content*94728%27)~version!%271%27)9%2008*4C**5!true6source!7uploads8%5Cn9*%20C0*%01C9876540*
I need to force WordPress to upload files (for example from media library) to “uploads1”.
If not possible “uploads2” would also be an honest option.
I have spent several hours on that and starting to not believe it is even possible to assign the path outside the “B”.
Thank you for your time.
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