• How can I Change the time and date format underneath my post thumbnails to german?

    Currently it’s: 08,June 2015 in category by author

    I Would like to have it like this:
    08.Juni 2015 in category von author

    Thank you for your help!

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  • If the theme inherits WordPress date setting, try to change it from “Settings > General”, and change the “Date Format”

    Thread Starter leyalogo


    I already tried this, but it doesn’t work.
    Unfortunately I do not have any knowledge in codes and css.
    Is there any way I can fix the issue?

    For me it shows: “10 Juli. 2015 in Uncategorized by Martonno” for a post
    with custom date setting “j. F Y” in “Settings > General”.

    If it doesn’t work for you, you can add your preffered date format through a function in your child-themes function.php

    add_filter('tc_meta_date_format', 'custom_date_function');
    function custom_date_function(){
     return 'j. F Y';

    This should show: “10. Juli 2015 in Uncategorized by Martonno”
    The “by %1$s” is currently not translated due to a missing translation in the .po.

    For a comment it shows: “18. Mai 2015 auf 13:14”, caused by an error in the translation.
    “%1$s at %2$s” is translated to “%1$s auf %2$s”, but should be translated to “%1$s um %2$s” for usage in class-content-comments.php

    /* translators: 1: date, 2: time */
    sprintf( __( '%1$s at %2$s' , 'customizr' ), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time() )

    Hope this will be fixed in next release.

    As a workaround until the translation of “by” is fixed, you can add

    add_filter('tc_post_author_metas_html', 'custom_post_author_metas_html',11,2);
    function custom_post_author_metas_html($_html , $_auth = ''){
            if ( empty($_auth) )
                return $_html;
              return sprintf( '<span class="by-author"> von %s</span>', $_auth );

    to your child-themes function.php.

    Doesn’t look like there is a hook to fix the error for the comments “%1$s at %2$s” translation.


    is there already a fix available for this issue? For me the date cannot be changed to German month names as well.


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