• I am wondering if it is possible at all to make a word press blog on a blog.example.com kind of address instead of the usual example.com/blog address. and also How to do it.
    I am using a godaddy server on linux. If that helps at all.

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  • Yes, I’m working my blog up on a subdomain, but I’ll move it to the main domain when it’s ready for prime time.

    Thread Starter greenskystudios


    ok cool, but how do I make it that way?


    I’m not having the best time with GoDaddy at the moment, but I have the same set up.

    The first thing you want to do is create a “sub-domain”. That’s what those are called.
    Calling GoDaddy support (1-480-505-8877) [i just hung up with them, great time to call], they should be able to walk you through it and answer any questions you have.

    Once you have that set up, it will normally just point to a subdirectory in your hosts file system.

    Let us know when it’s set up and we’ll get you going from there.

    Hey green,

    I just acomplished said feat.

    I’m on linux with godaddy as well. I figured this out by reading the “Getting Started With Linux Shared Hosting” pdf available free from godaddy. See pg33.

    This is a brief discription:
    -Go to your Hosting Manager>Settings>Domain Management>Add Sub Domain
    -enter blog in the Sub Domain field, leave the Path field in its defualt setting, click Save.
    -wait untill the server configures these settings, this can take up to a few hours.
    Note, the ftp will remain example.com/blog

    Once the server is set up, login to WordPress and go:
    Options>General Options> change the urls in both the ‘WordPress address (URL):’ and the ‘Blog address (URL):’ fields to blog.example.com
    -Then click Update Options.

    That’s it, keep in mind that this will break feeds or links to your page.

    Hope this helps, unless of course you’ve already figured it out. If you have any trouble with this please feel free to contact me ross[at]rdmillar.com

    Here is my blog for anyone wishing to see the url in action: blog.rdmillar.com


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