• skits


    Well theres 2 things I need to do.

    The description text for my page that is changeable within the wordpress admin panel needs its font colors changed, where is the code in which php file to edit? Also what would be the code to set its point size and left or center positioning?

    Secondly, I have a google adsense banner up top (the long thin one if you know what i am talking about) and it is going right across my site’s logo image. I was wondering whoch file and what line I can edit to change where the header starts or where the page starts period so i can basically move the entire page downwards to get that google adsense bar below my image and let the image stay where it’s currently at.

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  • Thread Starter skits


    anyone pelase?



    link would help ??

    all the requested info is css based…

    in the case of your adsense, the way I like to handle it is to create a new #div identity… and assign it suitable attributes…. see one of my pages, here, and here to get an idea… my ad’s are in special #div’s and/or .divs ….

    Thread Starter skits


    sure the site’s name is https://www.skitsoid.com

    as you can see the google top ad is obscuring the logo so I’d like to move that ad down, then the page text description is actually above the logo but you cant see it cause it’s in black text. I’d like to move that text down and to the right of the logo, or move that text tot he right and bring the entire page up. Not sure how it works. i know practically nothing about php or html, just specifics situations as to what i needed to edit to get some things the way i want them on the page



    try adding this to your css file.

    #headerimg h3 {color:#ffffff}

    change it to w/e color you want.

    find the line in your header file that says

    <div id="ad_hf">

    add </div> right before that line which will close out your header div

    now find and delete the first </div> after the above line, effectively moving the ad_hf div out of the header div

    fyi the logo is the background of the header div

    Thread Starter skits


    hey there, your first direction worked with regards to changing the color of the text.

    However the second directions didn’t pan out so well. i removed the first </div> and the results are whatt he page looks like now if you head over there https://www.skitsoid.com

    This is what the portion of the header looks like

    <div id=”ad_hf”>
    <script type=”text/javascript”><!–
    google_ad_client = “pub-0618024952975810”;
    /* header 728×15, link */
    google_ad_slot = “5688800124”;
    google_ad_width = 728;
    google_ad_height = 15;
    <script type=”text/javascript”
    <script type=”text/javascript”
    <hr />

    Thread Starter skits


    bump bump.

    I’ve been looking though google trying to find anything regarding moving google header ads around or how to move the header stuff itself and I guess IM doing a poor job of searching



    i am developer, i can fix it, but unless i see the code i wont be able to help. My email id is [email protected] you can send me the theme folder, i’ll fix it and send it back to you.




    even if u provide header.php and style.css, it will do.


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