Changing order of add-on items and custom templates?
Hi all,
I am a big fan of this plugin and very grateful for its functionality. I have made extensive use of it and customized it quite a bit. You can see the results on the linked page
I would be happy to answer any questions if people want to know how I did certain things ??
I have two main questions: will it ever be possible to change the order of the add-on items? It would be great to be able to add new items and not have them appear at the end of the list, but in the middle, beginning or etc.. Is there already a quick way to do this, perhaps in the PHPmyadmin?
My second question is, is there any way of overwriting the frontend templates in the includes/frontend/templates directory? Similar to how you can overwrite woocommerce templates in your theme. Right now I have to manually backup and re-upload the custom template files every time I update the plugin.
Thank you for your time! Best regards.
EvanThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Thanks for the great feedback. We love hearing about users using the plugin to the fullest extent! We also appreciate you being willing to support the community using the plugin.
A few quick questions about the feature requests. So we can properly evaluate them and understand what we can do to improve the plugin.
will it ever be possible to change the order of the add-on items? It would be great to be able to add new items and not have them appear at the end of the list, but in the middle, beginning or etc.. Is there already a quick way to do this, perhaps in the PHPmyadmin?
To clarify, as the plugin could offer a sort function in a few different places for the list and display structure.
Are you wanting the sort here: to sort on the front-end, for each row
Or are you wanting the sort on the specific options here: to sort on the front-end, for each option
Let us know, so we can review and see what we can do to add in this feature. Ideally, we’d like to avoid recommending a PHPAdmin solution as this is not scalable or suitable for the less technical community users.
My second question is, is there any way of overwriting the frontend templates in the includes/frontend/templates directory? Similar to how you can overwrite woocommerce templates in your theme.
For WooCommerce templates, you mean these: And in general, can you give us a bit more information, like a sample of the modifications you are making. This will help us make sure we fully understand the scope and evaluate the best potential solution to accommodate the customizations you are modifying as a template solution.
Hello Bizswoop team!
Thank you for your reply, and sorry for my delay in replying.
To clarify your first question, I was referring to the sort of front-end options ( — there are currently workarounds in your plugin to adequately sort the rows and etc I find ??
For the second question, I was referring to the templates for the plugin located in the plugin folder/includes/frontend/templates
I have made all sorts of customization for all of the templates in that folder (adding custom class and ID names to the rows and options, connecting the options and rows with WC attributes and pulling custom fields from them, etc…)
I was wondering if there is any way to override these template files in the installed theme instead, since currently I have to backup and re-upload the files each time the plugin upgrades. I saw that you recently released a new update so I will have to do that soon as well.
For some sample code, I’ll quote the code in my customzied template file for radio.php at the end of this post.
Thanks again for your engaged response to my question and the amazing plugin which I greatly enjoy! Best regards
<?php $attGroup = "pa_".clean($group->title); // assign WC product attribute prefix to each group name $terms = get_the_terms( $product->id, strtolower($attGroup)); $allTerms = get_terms(strtolower($attGroup), array ('hide_empty'=>false)); if (is_array($terms) || is_object($terms)) { foreach($terms as $term){ $termName = $term->slug; }} foreach ($type->values as $id => $value) { $groupTitle = clean($type->title); $valueTitle = clean($value->title); $valueId = strtolower($valueTitle)."-".$type->getID(); if ($value->hide) { continue; }?> <div class="zaddon_radio"> <label> <input <?php foreach ($allTerms as $all) { $termtags = get_field('tag', $all); if($all->slug == $valueId) { if (get_field('unavailable', $all)){ echo 'disabled'; } else if ($termtags) { foreach($termtags as $termtag) {if (get_field('unavailable', $termtag)) { echo 'disabled'; }} } } }?> type="radio" <?php if ($id === 0 && $type->required) { ?>required<?php } ?> <?php if ($termName == $valueId) { echo 'checked'; } ?> id="<?=$type->getID(); ?>-<?php echo $valueTitle;?>" name="<?= $name ?>[value]" class="addon-input" value="<?= $value->getID() ?>" data-price="<?= $value->price ?>" data-type="<?= $type->type ?>" <?php if($type->getID() == "8") { echo 'onclick="stoneCheck();"'; } if ($type->getID() == "12") { echo 'onclick="layerCheck();"'; } ?> /> <?= $value->title ?> <?= $value->price ? '(+' . wc_price($value->price) . ')' : "" ?> <?= !$value->hide_description ? '<p class="zaddon-option-description">' .$value->description. '</p>': "" ?> </label><span><?php foreach ($allTerms as $all) { if($all->slug == $valueId) { if (get_field('image', $all) || get_field('tag', $all)) {echo ' <span class="example-hover"> <span class="q">?</span><div class="example-cont">'; if (get_field('image', $all)) { echo '<img class="example-image" src="'.get_field('image', $all).'">'; } $termtags = get_field('tag', $all); if ($termtags) { foreach($termtags as $termtag) { echo '<p>'.$termtag->description;} echo '<br><br><a href="/index/'.$termtag->slug.'" target="_blank">Learn More</a></p>'; } echo '</div></span>'; } //$termtags = get_field('tag', $all); //if ($termtags) {foreach($termtags as $termtag) {echo $termtag->description;}} }} ?> </div> <?php } ?>
Just to add more info that may be of interest, here is a list of funcitonalities I have set up with the template customizations:
- Adding default add-on options to individual products by checking if the product contains an attribute whose slug matches the value title and type id of an add on group item
- Custom ids to add extra functionality to specific add on groups (such as disabling one group unless an option in a different group is selected
- Pulling data such as images and descriptions from custom fields from the attributes associated with the add-on groups
- Disabling add-on options if a custom field is set to disabled on the associated attribute
I also customized the display of the groups in the type.php and checkbox-type.php templates to make the drop-downs based in HTML and CSS.
Thanks for all the details. This is extremely insightful to understand all the great customizations and functionalities you are developing. A few of them caught our eye as potential functionality we’d like to support as official core functionality. This is good to know a use case is present for them.
On the two items specifically outlined on the post.
Front-end options ordering. Yes. We have this on our feature list and we hope to have it supported in the next releases. Hopefully this will save you the effort using the workarounds and others might find useful as well. So this is coming very soon.
Customized templates support. We’d like to support this request and are hopeful other community members could benefit as well. As a result, our plan to support this request. We will add a hook with a directory path to the templates. Which you could modify in the Child Theme or anywhere. Allowing you to create a folder with any name and location. Then apply the hook to modify path to templates, for example child-theme-1/addon-templates/ as the directory folder with the customized templates called now by the hook. We will have this hook included in our next release version.
Hopefully these additions will help make things smoother for you, especially when we push plugin updates. We’ll leave the post open until both the items are released and available for tracking purposes.
Hi Bizwoop team,
Wow, thank you so much! It is a great honor to have helped you a little with the future direction of the plugin.
The front end options ordering will definitely game changing, and adding the hook will bring this plugin to a whole new level!
It already is the best free add-ons plugin available by a long way.
Thank you so much for your supporting the requests and caring about the community that uses the plugin.
If you have any questions about specific approaches I took with the customization, I would be happy to answer.
Thanks again and best regards,
EvanYou’re so welcome Evan. We love community members engaged in development vision and look forward to more feedback and feature request from you.
Quick note, we did release a new version 2.0.11, this was a quick hot fix release to address a priority bug reported:
Since this was a quick hot fix release, we didn’t include the hook or the upcoming improvements for organizing the add-on order. Both should be included in an upcoming official full release. Once they do release, I’ll update this post to notify you.
Good news. In our new release version 2.0.15, we now officially support the ability to change the order of add-ons.
Plus, we’ve added a new hook, named:
to support the custom front end templates you have developed.You should be all set to now use the plugin with more ease. If you encounter any issues, let us know. And update the support forum post.
Oh my god, thank you so much Bizwoop team!
The sorting options are working incredibly. This makes my job SO much easier! I am sure many other users of the plugin will appreciate it as well.
I have a quick question about implementing the hook. I am trying to call it in my child theme’s functions.php file with a function that looks something like this:
add_filter('za_template_path', 'child-theme/directory-name');
It does not seem to be working. Any suggestions of a piece of code that can be used to call the hook?
Thank you so much once again, I really appreciate these updates to the plugin.
All the best,
EvanYou’re welcome! Happy we could help with development efforts for you and others.
Yes, a few suggestions on the hook for templates.
Not sure how you have handled the templates/type.php. But make sure for this update and use for the template hook, make sure you have updated the latest of templates/type.php, as we made changes to support the templates function.
In addition, the second param for add_filter must be callback function that returns a new path. And the path must be absolute.
Here is a sample as a reference point using an anonymous function.
add_filter('za_template_path', function () { return get_theme_root() . '/child-theme/directory-name'; });
You could use a named function.
I hope this helps!
It worked! Thank you so much for the walk through.
This is great. Thank you so much once again.
As a small token of gratitude, if you ever get questions on this forum regarding features similar to ones I implemented on my install of the plugin, feel free to send those folks over here and I will be happy to help them set up those features similar to my approach.
Great news to hear it worked for you!
Thank you for your offer. This is would be amazing. We agree, this could be a great tool for other community members, especially if you would be willing to help support questions.
If you are willing, could you create a basic explanation of how you setup the custom templates and sample custom template codes in a brief technical overview. We will go ahead and create a support post dedicated to custom templates for the plugin and pin it to the forum for the plugin with your profile, so other community members can view the post and reach out to you if they’d love to learn more beyond the overview.
Hey Bizswoop team,
YES I would be happy to write up a tutorial. I can do so on here, or on the thread you move it to? Up to you! I will try to get it done this weekend.
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