• Resolved davidisenoi


    Hello beautiful people,

    We just finished doing a Reverse Proxy. We wanted blog.domain.com/page-name/ to load as a subfolder at domain.com/blog/page-name/. We did that. Now, the issue is…

    When you visit domain.com/blog/ you will see the content from the subdomain beautifully loaded. All the posts in an ordered list (the blog’s home page is set up to list posts) just as if you would surf on the subdomain.

    When you hover on any link though, you will see the old link structure blog.domain.com/page-name. We need to somehow change all links to load at domain.com/blog/page-name/ instead of blog.domain.com/page-name/.

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  • MK


    Hi there-

    All hyperlinks and inline-images in the post content needs to be manually updated to point to new domain. Or if you are a developer who is comfortable writing SQL queries, that’s another option too.

    Thread Starter davidisenoi


    Thank you for your reply. Yes, I would have to do that for the links inside posts and pages. I’m talking about the system generated links though. For example, if you have a blog list set as the home page, the links that you get on your home page for your posts. What do I have to change so that I modify these: https://prnt.sc/1rbh57b

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