• based upon my reading of the codex it would be advisable for me to change my Permalinks to “Pretty Permalinks” by changing from the default of:

    Default: https://MyBlog.com/blog/?p=123


    Post name: https://MyBlog.com/blog/sample-post/

    Is that right? Also, does anyone know if this will affect all my existing posts and/or whether there are any consequences for my doing this?

    I’ve been wanting to do this for a number of months and I don’t want to do it wihtout checking with someone that understands what the codex is explaining.


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  • Once the site has been up for a while, it may affect SEO or any shared links using the default url form, etc…otherwise as long as you choose a proper permalink structure, the site will be fine…I do believe most use the custom permalink structure (I do):


    as this is the most SEO friendly version.

    Make sure you verify with your host that the url rewrite module is installed and running first.

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi! Thank you very much.

    Two things:

    Can I ask you how I go about doing this? I mean, can I check to see what is loaded on /my/ portion of the host in terms of what is up on the WP portion of my site or does this have to happen at a higher level at (in my case) Aplus.net?

    Also, assuming I am not terribly worried about external links or ranking (I suppose) – what about /internal/ links?? Do I need to check and see when I have linked to a CATEGORY for instance? I see I link a number of times to something that ends in:

    Or what about when I link to a PAGE? I see I have pages that end in something like:

    Do I need to overhaul these links /within/ my site after I make the change I have indicated?


    If they are hard coded in existing posts or pages, yes (if you want the url shown above to be a friendly url)…if they are in widgets etc, no…the site will still show p?=123 if linked to, it just won’t show the friendly url for that. To find the id for a post or page hover over it in the post or page editor section and look in the status bar (IE) or the text that apears at bottom of page in other browser for the id #, then create the url and see if that can be browsed to – it should.

    And yes, contact host to ensure url rewrite is enabled…

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi SP.

    Thank you for the help here. I am sort of dead in the water without this kind of help and I think I am almost finished at this point.

    Can I ask what you mean when you say “yes” if they are hard coded? I mean, you are saying “yes” I have to manually change it if I want it to /show/ up as a friendly url? I mean, you are saying if I /want/ it to show I have to manually change it but if I don’t care about it showing in what has already been done I can just leave it as it is and all new posts (and therefore links I create to these) will be url friendly?

    But will the existing hard coded links still work? I mean, do I need to go in and manually change these to the NEW url or they become broken?

    Also, I am not following what you mean by hard coded. You refer to Widgets and I am also using TEXT Widgets which means I am manually putting in code that includes urls for post or urls for categories and i am not sure if you mean that these would be hard coded examples? I mean, hard coded means what I put in manually or this is what is in the underlying WP coding in the theme that I can’t access? I guess I am just trying to figure out if I can do this change and /not/ make manual fixes by going through the whole site or if I have to dedicate the time to going through the whole site and manually update all the existing links.

    Almost there…


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