• Which files do I edit to change the sidebar/remove links, and also remove/add to the links at the top of the page, under my header image?

    Right now there is Home and Coupons under the image but I want to change and add.

    On the sidebar, I want to change sections as well as add them AND hide a section or two.

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  • Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    Someone has to know! Due to horrific illness my memory has been affected. I used to know this software thoroughly. It is very frustrating to have forgotten a program I used every day for years,



    Quite a few things have changed with WordPress over the last few years!

    Manage your top nav bar using the Appearance > Menus option in the Dashboard (as long as you’re using a theme which supports the Custom Menu option)

    Manage your sidebar using the Appearance > Widgets option in the Dashboard.

    Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    Thanks. My theme allows me to add to the sidebar, not edit/delete. Appearance/Menus has no option to edit the header links.

    So, is there a file I can edit without breaking the theme, like in the olden days?!?!



    So the theme you’re using doesn’t have a Theme Location for a custom menu?

    Neither does it have sidebar widgets?

    I suggest you change it for a more up to date theme, seriously.

    Link to your site might also be helpful.

    Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    The sidebar widgets lets me add to the menu, not delete or at least edit/rename. i.e. Menu Header is for Google AdSense, I want to edit it to My Title or delete it.

    It took weeks to find this theme. My site (don’t want to publicly post the URL yet) is VERY specific to an item so can’t find a lot of themes. Or, they were for older versions of WP.

    I’ve always used custom themes but, in the past, money was no object.



    You can create a *new* custom menu and call it Sidebar-Nav, and you can populate it just with custom links rather than linking to any pages or categories. You can create as many custom menus as you like, and use these widgets to place different custom menus in different widget areas.

    Once you’ve created the new custom menu you want, add a Custom Menu Widget to your sidebar and set it to display the Sidebar-Nav menu only.

    Or you could always go old skool and just use the Text/HTML widget and handcode the HTML that you want.

    I’m having difficulty understanding your difficulties.

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