• Hi all, I’m wondering if someone could explain to me the following:
    -How do I change the text color of a theme I’m using? Right now I’m using Pyrmont V2 and I’d like the text color to be red to match the rest of my site.

    – How do I change the background? Again I’d like to use the same background image that my site uses.

    – Is it possible to add a banner at the top? If you’d like to see the website I’m working on…

    wordpress is on: fmtkband.byethost4.com/blog

    thanks for the help!

    I looked around in the documentation for wordpress but didn’t see anything that I wanted but its very possible I missed something so sorry if I did

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  • If you go to the wordpress admin, and go to “Appearance” -> “Editor” you can modify the style sheet. The part you want to edit starts with

    div#main div.post (line 250)

    You will want to change the “color: #cccccc;” to the color you want the text to be. You can do this using words like “color: red;” or you can consult the following guide for specifying colors in their hex values: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp

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