Hi Sam —
You have a couple options. The “option” shortcode parameter really just adds a CSS class to the progress bar. You could potentially add an “option” called “empty” and then add a CSS style in your stylesheet that made the progress bar text in an “empty” progress bar black. That’s one idea.
The other idea I have would be to change the color of the background. That’s up to you, I think the progress bars look nice the way they are, but I agree that the white text on the light background is a problem.
You could also adjust the text shadow on the progress bar text. For example, this is what your bars would look like with the text shadow adjusted slightly: https://cloudup.com/cAuG33I0UY1
.vc_progress_bar .vc_single_bar.bar_green .vc_label {
color: #ffffff;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
All that said, I looked at the source code of your site and I don’t see my progress bar plugin anywhere in the code, so this might be totally unrelated to the Progress Bar plugin that this is a forum for and, in fact, something built into your theme that you could contact your theme developer about.