• I am using the Colorway theme and I am trying (overly hard) to try to change the awful forest green out to something else. Out of the footer, the menus, and the little slide with the information over the picture.

    I have looked at all of the tutorials and tried using the code people have given in the past in my child theme but it’s just not working.

    I am using Firebug to try to find the colour code to change but when I scroll over it and it shows me the code I don’t see any colour codes to change at all.

    Does any one have any suggestions?

    Thanks so much!

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  • Check out theme-options.php. There’s an array of color options. You can copy the green.css file, change the hex code colors, give the file a different name, and add that color file name to the array so you have more options. Does that make sense? I did this and it worked like a charm. I needed about 10 colors to choose from and the colors they had weren’t all that great (I purchased the premium version).

    Hi There

    Similarly to DaynaB I’m trying to change the colour of Colorway ….

    I’ve looked in the theme-options.php but I can’t see anywhere to change the hex colour code …. even if I were to copy out the code already in there the part with all the colours in looks like this:

    ‘ //Stylesheet Reader
    $alt_stylesheets = array(“black” =>
    “black”, “brown” => “brown”, “blue” => “blue”, “green” => “green”, “pink” => “pink”, “purple” => “purple”, “red” => “red”, “yellow” => “yellow”);’

    There is a section further down this .php that say’s “This code if for creating colour stylesheet options” but there is nothing underneath to indicate colour…..

    Sorry if I’m being thick here…..I’m new to code ??

    Can anyone help?


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