There’s no option that lets you easily do this, although it’s not too hard the fpw_featured_image
filter and a custom style.
I’m not in a place where I can actually test this code right now, so use it at your own risk, but I think the following two snippets should do what you need.
1. In your theme’s functions.php
file, place the following:
// create custom image size, 80x80 with hard crop
add_image_size( 'fpw_custom_thumbnail, 80, 80, true);
// override the featured image with custom size image
function fpw_custom_featured_image( $featured_image, $featured_page_id ) {
return get_the_post_thumbnail( $featured_page_id, 'fpw_custom_thumbnail' );
add_filter( 'fpw_featured_image', 'fpw_custom_featured_image', 10, 2 );
Note: If your “thumbnail” image size set in Settings > Media is already 80×80, you can get rid of the add_image_size()
line and replace ‘fpw_custom_thumnail’ with ‘thumbnail’ in the line beginning with return
2. In your theme’s style.css
file, place the following:
.fpw-layout-wrapped .fpw-featured-image {
width: 80px; /* overrides width: 45%; */
Let me know if this works.