• I just spent three hours trying to change the header image (kubrick). I read a gazillion instructions and tried every suggestion on this forum–nothing worked. I must be missing something obvious. I created a new header image exactly the same size as kubrickheader.jpg. I uploaded the new image to my server (bluehost) and replaced the file (deleted the old kubrickheader.jpg and renamed the new header kubrickheader.jpg). Didn’t work. I also tried the naming the new header image “personalheader.jpg” and uploaded it into the images folder (under themes/default). Didn’t work. I emptied the browser cache. Still no go. I don’t get it. The old kubrickheader.jpg has been deleted and replaced with an entirely new image, yet my site looks the same as before. If I open kubrickheader.jpg or personalheader.jpg, the new header image shows. But the site remains unchanged. I’m going crazy here. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Hedtheg,
    I’m new to this and have been up against the same thing.
    It seems I’ve been sending (and resending) the new header graphic file to the wrong place.
    Instead of the ADMIN WP folder at my remote site, I sent it to the WP content…then to themes…then to default…
    then to images.
    That got it up on my site, but now the words on the old kubric header are showing through the new header.
    Oh well next challenge will try to find out how to get rid of them.

    Have you edited the stylesheet and told it to look in a different location?

    I am having these same problems. I replaced kubrickheader with my image (also named kubrickheader) and when I open it up in the server folder, I see the new image. So theoretically it has replaced the default.

    However, refreshing my site shows the default Kubrick image, which is no longer in that folder, appearing on top of my new image. I don’t understand how that’s even possible. I also tried the personalheader.jpg route (and changed the header.php code to take that image instead) and got the same result.

    My new image is the exact same location as the default image was, so that should be right. The incredible thing is, I can take my copy of the default image, replace my new images with it on the server, and it goes back to the way it was with no trouble at all.

    I’d be grateful to anyone who could help figure out what the problem might be. I was going to officially launch my site tonight and this was the last thing I had to do for it, but now I’m stuck on something that should have been extremely simple.

    Does anybody know how to fix this problem?

    A link would be priceless.

    What happened after you cleared your browser’s cache?

    Good stuff here Designing_Headers

    I’m getting mad :
    exact same size than original
    changed the name to kubrickheader.jpg
    put in the right directory


    I’ve read many posts, I think it might be a problem of cache, but I tried disabling it in wp_settings.php :
    // To disable persistant caching, add the below line to your wp-config.php file, uncommented of course.
    define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’, true);

    Still does not work.
    I think I tried everything…

    Any idea?


    A link would be priceless.

    What happened after you cleared your browser’s cache?

    Good stuff here Designing_Headers

    Exactly what Han said. Not a single one of you who are having this problem has posted a link. Asking design questions without posting a link is like being blindfolded with a gun and asked to shoot a specific target that’s 300 yards away (that’s you’ve never even seen or know where it is) without damaging anything else.

    Post a link, please.

    OK here is a link


    Thanks very much.


    I see a header image with pink flowers. What should I be seeing?

    Sorry I could not wait for the answer, so i looked for another template and I found this K2 template which works perfectly.
    Maybe it is better not to try to customize the default template header…

    Anyway, thanks for looking.


    I used kubrick and replaced the header and it works fine if you put it in the right folder: wp-content/themes/default/images/header or something like that. You should do a search for headers in the theme folder. There’s no way it could be in the WP-Admin folder – that wouldn’t make sense.

    “That got it up on my site, but now the words on the old kubric header are showing through the new header.
    Oh well next challenge will try to find out how to get rid of them.
    stikguy “

    That info is in your options/general. You can either get rid of it completely (which I don’t recommend, it makes your site not have a title and description) or modify your CSS so it doesn’t show up in your header. Check your stylesheet.

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